
Jeremy is a wound care specialist. One of his male patients had breast cancer. He shares his experience using an Activated Charcoal Poultice.

Started ACP on a male patient who was diagnosed with breast cancer. The patient has had chemotherapy and radiation and the family nor he want to do any further interventions and just let nature take its course, whatever that may be. His wound measured 90mm x 50mm x 10mm depth. Additionally the inflammation has extended to the edges of the wound about 15mm above the surface of the chest. Wound had foul odor and needed sharps debridement weekly to remove the yellow slough.
10.25.2016. We started the Activated Charcoal Poultice (ACP) twice a day.
Week 1 (11.1.2016) – the inflammation that was raised above the surface of the chest was completely eliminated, odor was eliminated and no debridement was needed and the wound cubic volume had decreased by over 50%.
Week 2 – No change in wound volume
Week 3 – There was a 64% decrease in wound volume, comparing week 1 with this week.
Week 4 – There was a 60% decrease in wound volume, comparing week 3 measurements to this week’s.  Re-epithelialization seen along wound edges.
Week 5 (11.29.2016) – There was over a 76% reduction in wound volume from last week’s measurements to this week. At this point we have not had any odor from wound since ACP was started and no need for sharps debridement. In comparing the wound volume from the start of the ACP to this current week, there as been over a 98% decrease in wound volume.”
Jeremy, PA-C
Wound Care Specialist
November, 2016

Breast Tumor

Linda is an RN involved in clinical research. She shares this personal experience:

“In using natural treatments to remove my breast tumor, sometimes the lymph system would get clogged down as it cleansed and I would experience swollen lymph glands under my arm and across my breast.  I started making charcoal poultices and applying overnight.  In doing this usually by the next morning the engorgement of the lymph system would be resolved.  If not then I would continue changing out the poultices every 2 hours till this was resolved.  I really had a problem with this last year and with aggressive use of the charcoal poultices I haven’t had any problems with enlarged lymph glands in a year.”

 NOTE:  Many times I have read to heat up charcoal poultices to enhance their effectiveness.  I’ve read about wrapping, covering with plastic, wool etc.  I stumbled on the key quite by accident in reading something Ellen White wrote many years ago. She suggested using olive oil when making a poultice. To my delight when mixing this together in my little stainless steel bowl I use for poultices it created it’s own heat. A lot messier for sure than mixing the charcoal with water, yet I noticed quicker results. I would also place a heating pad over the poultice to keep the poultice warm.
South Carolina

Melanoma Cancer?

“My name is Heather and I live in Nova Scotia, Canada. I would like to tell you my experience with charcoal. One morning in early summer of this year (2006), as I was talking on the phone to a friend I put my hand up to my left shoulder as it was itchy, and felt a wetness on my hand. I went to check it out and there were two blisters on my shoulder. I thought that maybe my bra strap had irritated it and caused the blisters. I covered it with a band aid to protect it and used a bit of polysporin on it. Instead of getting better it started to get worse.

I had an appointment with my Doctor in a couple of days and when I was there I asked her about it. She looked at it and did a drawing of it then went out without saying anything, a few minutes later she came back and looked at it again and said it looked like a melanoma. She made an appointment for me with a skin specialist, which ended up being about 2 weeks away. I was really scared at this point because it seems that if there is one melanoma there is more cancer somewhere else. We asked friends and church members to pray for me and then my husband suggested that I start putting charcoal poultices on the area.

Not knowing just exactly what to do we put the charcoal on a wet piece of paper towel then placed it on the area and covered it with a gauze pad. We did this morning and night for two weeks. The day before my appointment with the skin specialist I decided that I would cancel as the area was healing and drying up very nicely, but my husband suggested that I go anyway so I did.

When I saw this Doctor I told him that I had decided not to come, he told me that it was a good thing that I did, that even though it was healing it would break out again. The “good” news it wasn’t melanoma, but a basal cell carcinoma and needed to be cut out. He took a small biopsy just to make sure. An appointment was made to go to a plastic surgeon to have this removed. First appointment of course is just a consultation and at that time the results from the biopsy had not come to this Doctor (he also said that it was a basal cell carcinoma). So an appointment was made to have this cancer removed. When I came to that appointment the results from the biopsy had come back and showed no sign of cancer. The Doctor decided to take another deeper biopsy to make sure. I just had that appointment the first of this week and there is no sign of cancer at all and everything is healed up very well (although you can see the area where all this happened).

Can three doctors be wrong??? Is this a healing from the Lord, or from the charcoal? I believe that it is both if that is possible. The Lord impressed my husband to suggest charcoal and by following His leading the charcoal worked!!!!
Nova Scotia, Canada

Activated Charcoal & Breast Cancer FAQs

Will activated charcoal poultices help breast cancer?

In using natural treatments to remove my breast tumor, sometimes the lymph system would get clogged down as it cleansed and I would experience swollen lymph glands under my arm and across my breast.  I started making charcoal poultices and applying overnight.  In doing this usually by the next morning the engorgement of the lymph system would be resolved.  If not then I would continue changing out the poultices every 2 hours till this was resolved.  I really had a problem with this last year and with aggressive use of the charcoal poultices I haven’t had any problems with enlarged lymph glands in a year.

How do you make an activated charcoal poultice?

In order to make a charcoal poultice, you will need three ingredients, water, flaxseed, and activated charcoal. Any activated charcoal will work, so use whatever is on hand, but my recommendation is to use this one, as it is USP grade, and has an exceptional adsorption ability. Here is a video illustrating the process of making the poultice once you have all the ingredients.

What grade of charcoal do you recommend for breast cancer?

As long as the charcoal is activated, it will be beneficial. Nevertheless, if I had to recommend one above another, it would be this one as it is USP grade and has an exceptional adsorption rate. In other words, it works faster than your typical activated charcoal.

John Dinsley

Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.

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