Categories: Your Stories

Your Activated Charcoal Stories 2013-2

Your Activated Charcoal Stories 2013-2

Table of Contents

Horse with Grass Founder

“She (Winne) was so bad that my brother wanted to shoot her when she was down. I knew he was right—she had lost so much weight—but I got online and found where someone said give them (foundered horses) charcoal. I didn’t wait till I could get a big batch ordered. I went to Walgreens and bought the capsules for people and gave her probably 14 (capsules) a day. Then I received the charcoal in the big container and put that on her oats.

It took awhile but my brother who is a horse owner, and takes his to the dentist and chiropractor, can’t believe that Winnie runs like crazy now and you would never know anything was wrong. I still have to watch her in the spring and get her off the grass but she is great. 

I called the vet when she was down but they had no suggestions except for expensive pain meds.”
Sent from my iPhone
December 2013

Editor: founder or Laminitis in horses is associated both with the condition of the hooves and with digestion. If the hooves are not properly trimmed, the horse will begin to rock back on its hind legs and overextend on the front. The other main contributor is typically being pastured on rich green grass. The horse can end up with poor digestion leading to colic. The toxins released in the gut can indirectly contribute to laminitis. The solution is twofold, proper hoof trimming and dosing with plenty of charcoal powder either as a drench, or mixing it with the water or feed. Since the charcoal is odorless and tasteless there is seldom any rejection by the animal. In fact they seem to have a sixth sense that the charcoal will be helpful (as in certain monkey tribes) Depending on the size of the horse, the dosage can be 50 – 200 gms. There is no worry of overdose. There are no known adverse side effects. VetDtox

Black Soap—Clean Body

Hi, I had a long, long discussion with a girl from your office when I bought my products in September (?)… I bought quite a bit. She and I discussed my farm (salve for the bull’s sore feet; and the dangers of deodorants, etc..)

I wanted to let you know I used the Sheep Charcoal Soap for the first time last night. I loved it!!!

It got me SO MUCH cleaner…!!!  (after eating the WRONG foods during the holidays, one gets a bit of body odor!!!) Anyway I loved the clean smell of the charcoal soap.

I was surprised how dark/black the suds are… amazing something black can clean us!
December 2013

Post-Surgery Headaches

Elizabeth wrote to us concerning some friends who suffered from post-surgery headaches:
“In short, they had massive anesthesia headaches after major surgery and couldn’t shake it. I told them to try the charcoal. With one (lady – hysterectomy) it worked instantly after MANY days of headache, and the guy, (back surgery) was a few days out of surgery and the charcoal worked within the hour (having to take a little more than the first amount). I believe both took it in applesauce?
Thanks, E”

Brighter Smiles & Sweeter Breaths

“Your charcoal remedies are so effective that at the first sign of stomach upset, sore throat, or general sickness, we all reach for the activated charcoal, swallow a couple capsules, and start to feel better. We have used the charcoal balm on burns, cuts, and bruises with immediate healing effects. Brighter smiles and sweeter breaths have resulted from using the charcoal toothpaste. Thank you Charcoal House for your wonderfully effective charcoal remedies! John and Kimberly, you have been so helpful in educating us on the best ways to incorporate God’s healing remedies into our daily lives.

Eliminate Kitty Litter Odor

A very happy customer shared her experience with Kitty Odor Stopper:

“I am not on Facebook so I have to write in the form of email instead. But you have my permission to use this submission on Facebook or other media if you wish. I would just like to make a testimonial as to how lucky I was to come upon your product Kitty’s Odor Stopper litter box additive. After trying three different products, all were completely unsuccessful at holding down the very strong ammonia smell of my cat’s urine. I have two cats. One has been on the well-known veterinary prescription canned food designed to flush a lot of urine through the kidneys resulting in high nitrogen/ammonia urine. For the past seven years I have had to completely replace the litter and scrub out two litter boxes, including the hoods, every ten days! This was causing me much distress because it was taking up so much of my time, and costing a lot in 40 lb. bags of litter. (Good thing I love my pets so much!) I use non-clumping litter only. My guardian angel must have drawn my attention to a feedback article on a website mentioning this company “” I had known about the purifying effects of charcoal so I had high hopes for this attempt. And I wasn’t disappointed, this was a big time winner. I use two heaping cups in each litter box, (along with their regular litter) one as the bottom layer and one as the top layer. The litter boxes now go for over THREE WEEKS without having to dump the litter! UNBELIEVABLE. It is a great feeling knowing something actually works. What a relief, finally! I am so grateful to this company for producing a genuine product such as this, and that is truly a lifesaver. And a big THANK YOU for offering it in the bigger bulk sizes. It is now a basic staple in my life. Thank you ever so much from a devoted customer.
New Jersey
October, 2013


My husband was hospitalized for cellulitis in December 2011 and one month later in January, 2012. He was on so many powerful antibiotics that he lost most of his kidney function. He had four occurrences in 2012 and five occurrences in 2013 which were treated with antibiotics. As time went on it was evident that the antibiotics were becoming ineffective. His Infectious disease doctor would not prescribe a stronger medication for fear of causing further damage to his kidneys. He began using colloidal silver but it also became ineffective. He developed a very severe flare-up and had to go back on antibiotics again. He did get better but within a week the cellulitis developed again. He once again was put back on an antibiotics but this time, he did not get better. I started praying that God would help me find a way to help him that would do no further damage to his body. While researching on the Internet, I found the website and began to read stories of others with Cellulitis being helped using Charcoal Powder. I immediately placed an order. Since he needed it right away, I opened some charcoal capsules that we had and made a poultice with ground flax seeds. He wore the poultice during the night. By the second application we could see an improvement. The third day our order arrived and I began using the hardwood charcoal for his poultice. By the 8th day, the cellulitis was completely gone. He has had one flare‐up since that time which did not take as long to clear using the poultice. He has had no more occurrences since then. We are both extremely grateful that God led me to such a miraculous remedy and for all your help!!
October 2013 I’m so sorry that this has taken me so long to get Ken’s story to you. The first picture is how his hand looked after he had been on two rounds of antibiotics. Second picture after 8 days. Third picture once all the discoloration was gone. Hope his story will help those who suffer from recurring cellulitis.


For more information go to Cellulitis page.

Bad Burn

“I was using a heat gun and slipped and burned my hand so badly I couldn’t move it, by far the worst burn I have ever had. Pain was running up my arm. I ran up to Kimberly’s house knowing she would know what to do to help ease the pain. As soon as I showed her she put my hand under cold water then grabbed a Charcoal Patch, after wetting it a little she stuck it to my hand and wrapped it. I left feeling much better, even though all the pain wasn’t gone I could move my hand again. I left the charcoal bandage on all that day and by the next day it was already starting to scab over and barely hurt at all.  By the second day I had no pain whatsoever and it left not even a trace of a scar on my hand.”

Biochar for Compost

“I was just visiting your website and recalling our email exchanges.
And it’s interesting, if you wanted to inoculate char in your backyard compost bin or pile, you surely would want to put biochar in the mix.

But………..I haven’t seen anything on the internet prescribing a layered approach to composting using biochar/compost/biochar/compost—but it sure would be a great time to get started so the spring compost + biochar would be thoroughly mixed and inoculated.

Call me crazy.  Have you ever had this discussion with a gardener?”

Editor: Do we have any readers who have experimented with biochar and compost that would like to respond?
For those interested in charcoal as a soil amendment, here is a beginners article on biochar and gardening from 2010 (University of Hawaii at Manoa)
The Basics of Biochar: A Natural Soil Amendment

Gastrointestinal Infection

I recently used frequent doses of wood-source activated charcoal slurry to help fight off a gastrointestinal infection, and the fascinating thing was that even though I fought off nausea for about five days, I was feeling much better overall in many other ways! I was more clear-headed, more energetic, more cheerful, and feeling more “well” overall. So, after reading the Cooney book, I began to wonder whether the activated charcoal slurry I consumed adsorbed some lactic acid and/or phenol from my system.

“Furth and Kaunitz (1929) reported that, in addition to deaminating certain amino acids, charcoal is capable of attacking phenol, lactic acid, dihydroxyacetone, acetone, and beta-hydrobutyric acid.”
Cooney, AC in Medical Applications

 p 550

Hobo Spider

The Hobo spider is one of a few spiders in the US that is considered “medically significant.” It is most common in the northwestern states. It constructs a funnel-shaped web of silk then lies in wait at the small end of the funnel for unsuspecting insects. This story was related via Carolyn who has shared a number of stories from their mission in northern Uganda.
“Hi John, It’s been a while since I’ve personally communicated with you. We are still teaching how to use charcoal in Africa, and I am always promoting it with friends and coworkers. One of my friends who attended your seminar here in Chewelah, sent me the story below just this week.  I saw her in town the next day and looked at the scar on her forehead.  It was a surprising scar, a little smaller than a dime and about 1/8” deep with uneven borders.  It must have been a NASTY looking wound.  Anyway, she was very thankful for having been taught the use of charcoal.  So your seminar has been the rescue of one more person.  There are many more from it I’m sure.
Blessings to you”

“A couple of months back I was bitten by a Hobo spider during the night* —right in the middle of my forehead (we didn’t see it—I went by the signs and symptoms in researching it) The 1st day, it looked like a mosquito bite, not a problem—just itchy. By about the 36 hour mark, I knew something was wrong. It was hurting, swelling, and spreading—fast. I began to go through my brain full of herbal remedies. I started on echinacea/golden seal caps which I make myself, and some anti-inflammatory caps which I also make. But—I knew that, even with plantain compresses I had to get the toxins out . And I remembered my charcoal! So, at first, I kept charcoal compresses only on it. I used a lg bandaid with tape around it, and kept changing it. At the 3rd day mark— post bite—a red line moved down to my R eye and stopped there. Sean really wanted to take me to the Dr. Well, I don’t have insurance, but more than that, all the research I did said they would give me antibiotics (most I’m allergic to anyway) and that I was already doing everything I should be. I kept the charcoal on 1 more day, then started on herbal compresses alternating with my homemade herbal salve. By the 5th day—post bite—there was improvement in the swelling, and by the 6th day the red line began to recede. It turned necrotic, and eventually all healed up. Now I have a nice huge scar—fortunately I wear bangs…lol. I know, without a doubt, getting the toxins out with the charcoal saved a trip to the Dr. and probably more of my face. I’ve had charcoal on hand for years, and have used it mostly for stomach issues. I don’t think I would have remembered it had I not gone to the Chewelah seminar.

Chewelah, WA
September 2013 

*Editor’s note: the circumstances of the bite do not seem to fit the description of a Hobo spider, nevertheless, even if it was not a Hobo, it is clear the bite was serious and the charcoal did help to control the wound.

Charcoal For Migraines, Caused By Synthetic Fragrances:

To: Kimberly and the Staff
“All three of our family members are sensitive to certain synthetic fragrances at different degrees. Nonetheless, we each get put out by terrible migraines by some of them. Each of us have experienced the rescue of Activated Charcoal many times over right after exposure…
Right off (when the migraine starts to kick in) we take 1Tbsp. of Activated Charcoal with water.  After say about 20 minutes later we are feeling much, much better.  If we do have somewhat of a migraine after charcoal—it is VERY manageable and we can carry on our tasks normally. Sometimes we will continue taking just a little charcoal as the day/night progresses depending on our symptoms.
In the world of ‘scented toxic chemicals’, I’m not sure what we would do without AC! To say the least, we all have AC with us wherever we go!
Thank you for doing the beautiful work you all are doing!  A lot of it may go unnoticed, but know that there are many of us who are thankful for ALL the hard work and dedicated hours you put into changing and making a difference in so many lives!
Thankful are we.”

Kidney Pain

Wendy suffers with Multiple Chemical Sensitivity (MCS) and chronic kidney pain.
“Thank you so much for encouraging me to give the AC poultices a shot (activated charcoal with psyllium husk powder). The AC and Flax I had used long ago…too messy.

First one with the psyllium husk powder was on the kidney area.  In the morning I had felt different, after a simple clean-up of back area…moving around everything felt much smoother in movement.  Then it dawned on me how ‘great’ my kidneys/back felt…  You see, Kimberly, I had not realized that my kidneys always hurt!  I only said they hurt when they really, really, hurt…the norm is hurt.  I was pain free in my lower back all day until about an hour before retiring and I couldn’t wait to get another poultice on!  Aah, relief!


I make my own ‘ace’ bandages…allergic to the synthetic ones—out of old torn up T-shirts or the like—works well…”
August 2013

Sharp intestinal pains

“About one year ago, I was introduced to activated charcoal, quite by accident and through an internet search. I had been experiencing trapped gas from my pelvic region up into my ribcage for 3 days. I had such sharp pains throughout my intestines, that I was ready to go to the ER, thinking that something more serious was going on, but I have no health insurance. Out of desperation, I did a late night internet search for my symptoms, and came across this forum where a woman described the very same gastrointestinal symptoms I was having, and suggested using activated charcoal tablets from a well-known pharmacy. My husband ran up to the pharmacy for me, brought home the charcoal capsules, I took two capsules with a full glass of water, and literally, within one hour the trapped gas started going away (through absorption), and I had complete relief by morning! (It also removes toxins by the way!) I recently made a charcoal poultice for my mother-in-law, who had a tick on her shoulder. She wasn’t sure if she was able to remove the head of the tiny tick.  We put the charcoal poultice on her arm with a large, square band-aid, and by morning, the swelling and redness were completely gone. And last but not least…I got to wondering about all the things that activated charcoal could possibly do, and decided to do an internet search for whitening teeth with charcoal. Sure enough…I found several articles online about cleaning and whitening teeth naturally, with charcoal. So I tried it.  My teeth have always been slightly yellow until now. After the first use, I could see a very noticeable difference, and the charcoal removed the plaque and tartar from my teeth.  I now use it once per week, and I feel so much more confident about my teeth’s appearance, and my teeth are squeaky clean and white! I just can’t believe it! (I also recently used charcoal for an abscess next to an old crown in my mouth. It stopped the pain, and removed the abscess until I could get in to see the dentist!)”
July 2013

A short email from a customer using coconut shell activated charcoal for Body Cleanse:
“Thank you so much for sending these instructions [teeth whitening].

I love using the activated charcoal. I am now taking two heaping teaspoons every night and I feel like it is cleaning me out like a vacuum. It is wonderful stuff and I am so glad to have found your company! I’ll try the teeth whitening soon.
All the best”

Charcoal during Pregnancy

We receive questions concerning the safety of charcoal for oral use because of information carried on various health sites. I am surprised how many Internet sites carry warnings that are completely misinformation. For example: “Charcoal absorbs food nutrients such a vitamins and minerals.” Another obvious concern is taking charcoal during pregnancy or breastfeeding. Notice this woman’s concern posted on the Internet and the incorrect generic response:

“Is it safe to take charcoal tablets whilst pregnant?

I am 4 1/2 months pregnant and keep getting terrible indigestion & trapped wind. I have tried Gaviscon & Rennies but none work. My cousin uses charcoal capsules from the health shop and I was wondering if they are safe to take in pregnancy (it doesn’t specify on the label). I asked my doctor and the pharmacist, but none knew anything about them. I also asked in a different health shop, but they said it was against the law to advise me on it (?????). I just need to know if they are safe to try, and if they are, what is the maximum dose I can take whilst pregnant (you usually take 2, but is it safe to take more?)…
This is what I found when doing some googling on it…”

“FDA pregnancy category C. This medication may be harmful to an unborn baby. Tell your doctor if you are pregnant or plan to become pregnant during treatment. Charcoal may pass into breast milk and may harm a nursing baby. Do not use this medication without telling your doctor if you are breast-feeding a baby. Do not give this medication to a child younger than 3 years old without the advice of a doctor.”
 The information is incorrect. Firstly, activated charcoal is not a drug or medication but is classed as a “supplement.” The FDA lists activated charcoal as Category I “Safe and Effective” for the treatment of poisoning. Further, charcoal is not digested by the body, so it never enters the blood stream, and therefore will never pass into the breast milk. Charcoal is one of the main ingredients in Colic Calm gripe water, which is the most recommended gripe water by the American Pediatric Association—so much for harming the baby. As for not giving it to a child under 3 years of age, virtually all babies that suffer colic are under 3.

In reviewing other sites it seems the various health publishers use the same generic form for prescription and non-prescription drugs, supplements and herbs. If they do not know the answer to a specific question, they resort to fail-safe statements to protect their liability. I have seen one website post irresponsible cautions only for others to use that site as an authority when it is clear they have no clue what the truth is.
(The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow—Ayn Rand)

Check this link for more reliable information. Charcoal During Pregnancy
As for whether or not charcoal absorbs food nutrients please review this link. FAQ Scroll down to “Will taking activated charcoal affect the nutritional value of the food I eat?


This newsletter (thank you) reminded me I needed to give you a report on how the charcoal poultice worked wonderfully for me when diagnosed with Pleurisy a few months ago.  I live in KS.  One morning I awoke with terrible chest pain thinking it was my heart.  Upon being diagnosed at an ER with Pleurisy, I came home and researched in your amazing book and found a section telling how a man was helped with Pleurisy.  I applied the poultice and the rest is history.  I never had weeks of pain as told by the ER MD.  The pain left after only 2 applications of the charcoal poultice.  Amazing product God has given for our health!! Thanks.
July 2013

Is Charcoal Organic

Another question some are concerned about is, “Is charcoal organic?”
Technically and biochemically, a natural product can’t get much more organic than charcoal—it is almost pure carbon with some trace minerals. Now if one is asking, has the charcoal come from organically grown trees, that is virtually impossible to find out. I assume the bamboo and the hardwood, that are made into charcoals, are grown with no commercial fertilizers or sprays. Some of the coconut charcoal has probably come from plantations that use some commercial fertilizers and pesticides. But once you understand that the activation process burns off virtually everything but the pure carbon while completely sterilizing the charcoal you can be assured it is completely safe for medicinal use. In fact the FDA lists charcoal for poisoning generically as Category I—“Safe & Effective.”

Gas, Tic Bite, Whiten Teeth

About one year ago, I was introduced to activated charcoal, quite by accident and through an internet search. I had been experiencing trapped gas from my pelvic region up into my ribcage for 3 days. I had such sharp pains throughout my intestines, that I was ready to go to the ER, thinking that something more serious was going on, but I have no health insurance. Out of desperation, I did a late night internet search for my symptoms, and came across this forum where a woman described the very same gastrointestinal symptoms I was having, and suggested using activated charcoal tablets from a well-known pharmacy. My husband ran up to the pharmacy for me, brought home the charcoal capsules, I took two capsules with a full glass of water, and literally, within one hour the trapped gas started going away (through absorption), and I had complete relief by morning! (It also removes toxins by the way!)

I recently made a charcoal poultice for my mother-in-law, who had a tick [bite] on her shoulder. She wasn’t sure if she was able to remove the head of the tiny tick. We put the charcoal poultice on her arm with a large, square band-aid, and by morning, the swelling and redness were completely gone.

And last but not least…I got to wondering about all the things that activated charcoal could possibly do, and decided to do an internet search for whitening teeth with charcoal. Sure enough…I found several articles online about cleaning and whitening teeth naturally, with charcoal. So I tried it. My teeth have always been slightly yellow until now. After the first use, I could see a very noticeable difference, and the charcoal removed the plaque and tartar from my teeth. I now use it once per week, and I feel so much more confident about my teeth’s appearance, and my teeth are squeaky clean and white! I just can’t believe it! (I also recently used charcoal for an abscess next to an old crown in my mouth. It stopped the pain, and removed the abscess until I could get in to see the dentist!)
July 2013

Poison Mushroom

Since I spoke with you, the pastor of our church gave me your book to read. Very good.  Also since then my husband had mushroom poisoning so we had an opportunity to try it(poison control said not to do that).
However, John came through the ordeal with minimal damage, and an ER visit.

July 2013

Heavy Metal Poisoning

From time to time we receive inquiries about the ability of activated charcoal to help with heavy metal toxicity. Here is a recent email in which the person had a test performed in the US that showed toxic levels of mercury, lead, arsenic, and silver.
Greetings from Buenos Aires, Argentina 🙂
My name is Axel, I am 39 years old, and was diagnosed with heavy metal intoxication like a year ago. I am taking care of it, and it seems to be improving, I mean my health.

One of the things I am doing is taking activated charcoal, yes. I saw some results immediately, when I started taking it.

 I would really appreciate if you could tell me what dosage do doctors or experts use / recommend to be taken regularly until all symptoms of heavy metal poisoning are gone. A doctor told me to take two grams a day for some time, I just would really like to hear what you have to say, what you know or have heard.
July 2013

Thank you for contacting us.

The International Academy or Oral Medicine and Toxicology (IAOMT) have a protocol for removing mercury residue during extractions of mercury amalgam fillings.

While we do know that activated charcoal does adsorb some heavy metals, for others it does not work as well. But we are happy you have been experiencing some benefits. As for how much to take, there is no information anywhere that I am aware of. It is simply a matter of experimenting with different dosages.

Here is a link to a Cleansing/Detox Program that some people use as a starting point. You can see 2 grams is very little compared to what this doctor suggests. The biggest factor will be if you start to bind up with the charcoal. If so you will need to drink more water, take slippery elm powder with the charcoal to help bowel movement, or take less charcoal until you get to a point where you feel the dosage is right for you.


Liver Cancer Pain

I used a poultice for my husband who had liver and pancreas cancer and he said it took the pain out immediately. It was charcoal, flax seed, and water. I heated it and stirred until it was of a thick, black, mixture. Would this same mixture work for taking pain out of the bones or is there another mixture that would work better? We have a friend that has been diagnosed with cancer in her vertebrae, and they are checking to see where it started. Is this something that would take out the pain for her? Please answer as soon as possible.
June 2013

John Dinsley

Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.

To find out more about how activated charcoal can treat common ailments simply and naturally in your home, order the complete handbook now. Also available in Spanish.
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This book was an awakening for me. While reading it, I was seriously skeptical, but decided to give it a try. Ordered charcoal powder and capsules and I am happy to say I was amazed at the benefits of both. Excess gas and stomach discomfort, was eliminated by the capsules. I had been considering knee replacement surgery, but here again I was delightfully pleased. Made a poultice for my knee and within minutes the pain was gone, and it stayed gone until two days later. I am in the process of rebuilding knee cartilage with help from God has given us everything we need, but that need doesn't include pharmaceuticals, which are man made poisons. Choose wisely.
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There are lots of testimonials and valuable information in this book so for me it was worth buying. It does require time and some imagination depending on your medical situation. As a reference guide this book is very helpful. I like the fact that it can be used for treating food poisoning, acid indigestion, drug overdoses, snake bites, filtering water. The list goes on. I have been experimenting with ac for the past few months. I just haven't figured out how to get rid of my sinus infection completely. I did get rid of my ear infections with tiny ac poultices that I made from tea bags that were cut down to size. I found the websites mentioned in this book to be full of testimonials also worth reading so I could get ideas on what else I can use ac for. Here are some links:
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This is a very good book to refer to if you want to supplement with activated charcoal for detox purposes or have it on hand as an antitode for accidental poisoning. This is an excellent read and every home should have a copy of this very important book that could save your life in a emergency. I give this book 5 stars all the way and a strong recommendation to buy.
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I love this book and have read is through and then referred to it countless times. It has saved our family lots of money on doctor visits and traditional medications. We have learned from it how to treat some serious medical conditions (staph infection, brown recluse spider bites, red wasp stings, food poisoning etc.) and less serious conditions (stomach flu, eczema, stomach problems etc.) The book is fascinating as well as extremely useful and maybe even life saving! This is an excellent read and every home should have a copy of this very important book that could save your life in a emergency. I give this book 5 stars all the way and a strong recommendation to buy.
Krista Um
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John Dinsley has taken the wisdom and knowledge from his own experiences as well as the other books on the subject and condensed it into one book. Covers all uses internal and external. Explains what it is and isn't used for. How it works different forms and how it extends beyond health into many other areas. Shares historical background and uses of it. Clearly states that Charcoal is still a mystery to be revealed. Gets down to explaining what to do when you dont have the "store bought" on hand and how charcoal is everywhere just use your common sense. Valuable are all the stories interweaved throughout the book that illustrate its uses. Great book. A keeper in the library. One of the best holistic health care books on my shelf. It is thorough. It is enough detail without too much. Just right.This is an excellent read and every home should have a copy of this very important book that could save your life in a emergency. I give this book 5 stars all the way and a strong recommendation to buy.
T9FD Services

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