Your Activated Charcoal Stories 2005
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Those of you who would like to contribute an experience (positive or negative), please Contact Us *****************************************
Don is 88 yrs old. “Over the past year it has become more and more difficult to pass urine. I was down to a trickle. I had been catheterized before and did not want to have to do that again! I read in your book [ p.160] about using a charcoal enema, so decided to experiment. I was only able to find some granular charcoal at a pet store in town. I ground that up in a blender to make a coarse powder. I mixed that with warm water and used a ear bulb syringe to give myself an enema. By the next day I was able to urinate! I continued to use a small warm charcoal enema on a weekly basis, and now I am able to urinate freely! Decided to order some charcoal powder to have on hand.”
British Columbia, Canada December 2005
Crohn’s Disease
Aggie’s son Todd, 35 years old, has had Crohn’s for over 20 years, and has been in and out of hospital many times. “Sometimes he would go to work and then be in so much pain by 11a.m., that he would come home and I would take him to the hospital. Sometimes he would be in so much pain, he would end up rolling on the floor in the Emergency Ward, and throwing up.”The beginning of October 2005, Aggie bought some charcoal powder. She mixed 2T in 2 liters of water, let it settle out overnight, then poured off the “gray” water into small bottles and put them in the fridge. Todd would take one to work and drink that through the day. They have continued this routine for six weeks and Todd has been free of pain with no episodes. Some days he feels a little uncomfortable but he is convinced the charcoal has made a big difference. “There have been a couple stressful events but they have not triggered any pain or diarrhea. He has not even complained of diarrhea.”AggieNova Scotia, CanadaDecember 2005P.S. To date Todd has been virtually symptom free for over a year.
Teeth – Mercury
“Dear John, I spoke with Dr Reth, and he told me about using charcoal to absorb mercury when someone has all their fillings removed – they will have mercury released in that process, and a mouth rinse is used to absorb it! Also, he sometimes has patients put a charcoal poultice around a tooth before it is extracted. There must be lots more stories! Thanks for the lead! Thanks mucho.”MarybettsOregon, USANovember 2005
Old Dog – Cancer
After reading the book Shelley decided to experiment – but not on herself. Shelley has an older dog (17 years old) that developed a hard, softball-size growth in its abdomen. Her Vet had given the dog, at most, one more year to live – it was full of cancer. “Each day I would wrestle several capsule down the dog’s throat. I did this for six weeks, and the tumor shrunk to the size of a golf ball!” She was convinced! She called and ordered a 28 oz. container of activated charcoal powder. It is a lot more economical, and she can mix it in with the dog’s food. Charcoal has no flavor. Shelley Ontario, Canada November 2005
July 2006 update.
Shelley just called to order another 28 oz. container. She said the horrible breath her dog had is gone. It has not only lived beyond the one year the Vet gave it but, more importantly, her beloved pet is able to get around without any discomfort. “Before I began giving the charcoal she was so ‘old’. She had a hard time getting up, then would drag around. Now she acts like a dog a third her age.” This report should not be surprising since Russian scientists demonstrated they could extend the life span of ‘old’ rats by 34% by giving them a daily dose of activated charcoal powder.Shelley added, “It is so reassuring to know that if the charcoal does no good at least it will do no harm. When I first started giving her the charcoal powder I probably gave her too much (1 tablespoon/day). Her stools were hard and she was having some difficulty passing them. Because her improvement within the first week was so dramatic, I was not too concerned. But over the months I have figured out what dosage seems to work best for her. Now I give her a rounded teaspoon of powder mixed into one portion of dry dog food and an equal portion of wet dog food on a regular basis. She has the odd ‘down’ day but, hey who doesn’t? Then she is back up again for several weeks. Another big plus is, this powder is so affordable.”
Pink Eye

Virginia lives in rural Alabama. “An outbreak of pink eye spread through the community in July, continued through the summer, and into the new school year. A mother contacted me looking for some natural treatment for her child. She had tried the eye drops (antibiotics) the doctor had recommended, but it had not seemed to help. I suggested to the mother to mix 1 teaspoon of salt with 1 teaspoon of charcoal powder in some water, let the solution settle out, pour off the gray water into a separate container and use an eyedropper to gently bathe the eyes with the charcoal water. It worked!”Virginia Alabama November 2005
Alcohol Poisoning
Vern lived with his missionary family in Zambia as a boy. He remembers many people in a neighboring village getting very sick from drinking moonshine. When his father was called for help, he went and gave them Epsom salts (to vomit) and then charcoal for the poisoning, and they all recovered.
Vern Ontario, Canada November 2005
“I began a new routine one and a half years ago. Up until then, whenever I felt as if a cold was coming on, I would fold some Epsom salts into some gauze and put it in my mouth. But it didn’t seem to work so good, so I decided to try some charcoal. It worked! Now, whenever I feel a cold coming on, I have a little routine. I take a baby spoon worth of charcoal and put it in a medicine cup with a couple drops of water and mix it so it’s a thick paste. I take the baby spoon, scoop out the paste, invert it, and spoon the charcoal paste off onto my tongue, and let the saliva trickle down my throat. If I have a tickle or irritation it often leaves immediately. If it doesn’t stave off the cold, it certainly lessens it.”Celeste New Brunswick, Canada October 2005
Parotid Gland Infection
“When I was nursing, we had a lady with an infection of the parotid gland in her neck. The doctors had tried antibiotics, but they didn’t seem to help at all. She was preparing to leave the hospital and I encouraged her to try charcoal. I explained how to make some charcoal paste and place that in some gauze, fold it over, and place that over the inflammation. When I talked to her again she was so grateful. It had worked!” Celeste New Brunswick, Canada October 2005
Surgical Wound Infection
This past Sabbath afternoon we went to visit a new sister in the church, planning to give her a treatment for her leg. She invited over a friend to watch so she could give the treatment again. Pauline has a 10-inch surgical scar running up from the knee from her recent knee replacement surgery. It was puffy, her leg was swollen and covered with large bruises and clotting. She was very sore. The edges of the wound were bumpy and dark. We made up a flax seed and charcoal poultice, put the jelly between a folded paper towel, and placed the poultice directly over the length of the wound. We then placed hot packs (damp folded bath towels) over the poultice, changing them every 5 minutes for a half hour. When we finished, we lifted the poultice and the poultice had already drawn out a good bit of the clotting and bruising. The swelling also had decreased. Pauline was so impressed she asked us to leave the poultice on. We had prayer with her and left.
That evening around 8 pm she phoned and was so excited. She had just removed the poultice (after about 6 hours). “The swelling is way down, the wound is thin, flat and pink. Most of the bruising is gone. I am sold!
Nova Scotia, Canada
April 2005
Cold Sores
Pauline’s son Michael has had chronic cold sores around his mouth for years which have taken him to the hospital. When we visited Pauline to apply a charcoal poultice over her recent knee surgery, she asked if it would work for cold sores. Well how surprised I was that her 21yr old son was willing to try some of the left over charcoal/flax gel we had made for the poultice. He applied the charcoal/flax jelly overnight and it cleared up immediately. Everyone was amazed and a believer.
Nova Scotia, Canada
April 2005
Traveler’s Diarrhea
“John, we have traveled to many parts of the country and have always taken our charcoal capsules with us! We have had food poisoning so many times and it has been a life saver! Within an hour the cramps and pain have stopped! I work with my husband who is a pastor. I carry a bottle of charcoal with me at all times. The reason is food poisoning or foods that don’t agree with us. We eat out a lot because we are on the road traveling. I have used charcoal for the last 20 years!“Once we traveled through Poland and we ate a meal at a private home. Within 15 minutes of eating I had stomach pain and intestinal pain! I immediately had to use the restroom because of diarrhea. I took my charcoal and within an hour’s time the pain left and I was back to normal! “Another time I was invited to a home for lunch. I am a vegetarian and told the person I was a vegetarian. She served me a dish of soup. It tasted different and then I started tasting something and asked and I was told it was small pieces of chicken. We sat there and visited for about an hour and left. On the way home which was an hour and a half away, I began having stabbing pains in my stomach and intestines. I plead with my husband to stop and find a rest room and there were no places close by. I was finally able to stop because I had diarrhea. I didn’t have any charcoal with me so I had to wait until I got home, I was still in pain! After getting home and taking the charcoal it was within an hour the pain left!”Linda
Michigan, USAFebruary 2005
Allergic Rash
“While visiting in Hawaii I developed a rash over the whole right side of my face. The itching was terrible. My friend had some charcoal and flax seed and made a poultice and after just a short time the itching decreased! I did go to a dermatologist. I had picked mangos and the sap from the mango I had rubbed my face and that is what I was allergic too. The charcoal didn’t heal the rash but it did take away the terrible itch.”LindaMichigan, USAFebruary 2005
Sinus Infection
“On the sinus I tried charcoal because I was tired of the over-the-counter medicines. I had never used the spray for sinus relief, but I thought maybe a charcoal and water spray would help. And it did bring relief in a very short time. I didn’t have any more trouble, so I haven’t tried it since!” Linda Michigan, USA February 2005
To find out more how charcoal can help you treat indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux and other common ailments, simply and naturally, right in your home, order the book now.

John Dinsley
Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.