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Abscesses in most parts of the body rarely heal themselves, so prompt medical attention is indicated at the first suspicion of an abscess.
My wife had a small cyst in her left auxiliary (armpit) region for several days and it kept getting bigger, more painful and more erythematous (red and inflamed). Having been educated extensively first in natural medicine for years, and having written numerous articles published in peer-reviewed medical journals, and having later went the route of traditional medicine as well and became a Physician Assistant (Certified), I could now approach medical problems from two different perspectives. The natural medicine side brought to mind the fact that I wanted to draw out that localized inflammation and possible infection without having to lacerate the skin, and activated charcoal was the first thing that came to my mind in the form of a poultice. I took some activated charcoal powder and mixed it with ground flaxseed in no special ratio, but simply made a paste with it that would stay on the gauze and not be runny. Taped it down over top of the cyst and left it on overnight. The next morning when the poultice was taken off the cyst had come to a head and a small closed comedone appeared on it. The erythema was virtually gone and the pain completely gone. My wife very gently squeezed the cyst and it burst open and released large amounts of pus. She continued to expel the material until nothing more came out. We cleaned the area well, dressed it with gauze.
For step by step video instructions, please visit https://charcoalremedies.com/how_to_make_a_charcoal_poultice