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The treatment of acne, both inflammatory and non-inflammatory, still presents problems to patients and dermatologists. A new technique was developed by Dr. SI Chun in Seoul, Korea, comparing two different sets of laser treatments in combination with a topical activated charcoal lotion.
A 14-year old girl was chosen who had moderate to severe pustular and cystic acne over the sides of her cheeks and chin. First a topical anesthesia was applied to the face followed by an activated charcoal lotion. The affected areas were then treated with two different laser frequencies. Six treatments were given, two weeks apart.
The researchers reported:
“The procedure was well-tolerated. By the fourth treatment significant improvement was observed, and by the sixth treatment, better than 90% clearance of inflammatory lesions was achieved. At the 8-week follow-up after the last treatment, long-lasting improvements in the patient’s acne were noted. Improvement was also noted in closed comedones and in the general skin condition, especially pores, sebum reduction, and the red spots seen after inflammatory acne. The patient was satisfied with the result.
This new, minimally invasive technique as a stand-alone treatment gave very good clearance of inflammatory acne with minimal patient down time. Marked reduction in active acne was observed during treatments and at the 2-month follow-up visit…”
For the full report go to:
Photomedicine and Laser Surgery. 02/2011; 29(2):131-5.
Source: PubMed
One is left wondering, to what extent would the activated charcoal lotion have benefited the patient on its own merits? We have received testimonies from individuals who have reported positive results from using charcoal facials, charcoal soaps, charcoal crèmes and salves in the treatment of acne and other skin complication such as Cellulitis and Shingles.
Click here to read about how one young lady cured her acne with activated charcoal powder.
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