CDC Vaccine Fraud

This story began around August 2014, when Dr. William Thompson, a senior scientist at the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), admitted to the fraud and cover up of the controversial 2004 study on the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) vaccine and its link to Autism. The CDC disclosure was the basis for the documentary Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe, which exposes the CDC’s fraud, deceit, and obstruction of justice regarding the MMR vaccine. Vaxxed has received global media attention and is waking up Americans coast to coast to the criminal activity at the CDC.
The negative media stirred up by the various news outlets has produced a dust storm of damage control. The actual facts are quickly being burried alive. Now, after 12 years, it appears Dr. William Thompson, under the guidance of the CDC, is preparing a revision of the 2004 data that will supposedly exonerate the CDC, his employer.

John Dinsley
Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.