December 2017 Newsletter
Here we are, almost at the threshold of yet another new year, a time to reflect on our blessings and reconcile with our losses.Truly we are grateful for you, and we thank our longtime faithful customers and our newest ones as well. Thank you for your loyalty, for choosing us as your source for quality activated charcoal products.Please know that we so appreciate your testimonies and it is such a joy and privilege to share your happiness in your health victories as well as the times we have prayerfully grieved with your losses as well.In this newsletter we have included two very different testimonies. The first, a simple testimony from Peggy, a newbie to the world of activated charcoal. Her experience of how fast a simple remedy such as charcoal can work, has encouraged her to do even more natural remedies such as a good healthy diet and daily exercise.The second testimony involves using charcoal topically on the head, for what else but a brain detox! Curious? I hope so, and I also hope you take the time to read the article to the end on how activated charcoal can be used to counteract the effects of radiation and chemotherapy.Again we thank you for being our customer and sharing in this amazing journey of activated charcoal, a super natural remedy! You have been such a blessing to us and we hope in turn that in some small way, we have been a blessing and a service to you as well. With hopeful expectations we look forward to a new year and with brave hearts we face the unknown future because we believe that our Creator is already there and that there is nothing to fear as long as He is our Faithful Guide.Wishing you all a very happy holiday and a new year of lasting peace and good health.Kimberly & John Dinsley |
Peggy our new housekeeper called and said that although she was on her way over to clean, she was feeling so woozy and nauseous, that she was going to turn back and go home. She had just come from the doctor and he had given her a prescription for high blood pressure that she took right away and it was already starting to have a negative effect on her. She lamented about the medication, saying she does not really want to be taking meds, as she knows that she can control her blood pressure with diet and exercise. |

Doctor checking blood pressure of the patient, selective focus
I was so disappointed that she could not make it as we really needed her that day, but of course I said, “no problem.” And of course I also told her that as soon as she gets home that she needs to take some activated charcoal that she had just purchased and that she should be feeling pretty good in no time and then we hung up. Now I was lamenting because I was thinking that Peggy is going to go home, take some activated charcoal and in 15 minutes or less, she will be feeling pretty good and we won’t see her for another week….sigh….. While I am feeling sorry for myself about losing Peggy’s work for that day, she calls me back and says that she is going to try working anyway, since she was so close. She said that she knows I will give her charcoal and she was pretty confident that it would work and if not, then she would just go home if need be. As soon as she arrived I gave her a big glass of Detox 1600 (two tablespoons) in warm water (works faster) and she downed it all at once. In about five minutes she said she was already feeling better. In ten or more minutes she said that she was feeling A LOT better and in about a half hour she said that she felt even better than before she took her prescription medication! How EASY was that! We all benefited. Peggy was able to work and make money and we got a wonderfully (and much needed) clean home. by Kimberly |
A dear mother of a young woman with a glioblastoma tumor in her frontal lobe, called this past summer wondering if charcoal would be helpful in counteracting the side effects of radiation and chemotherapy. To date, in less than two years, her daughter had undergone two surgeries. The glioblastoma, being the most aggressive brain cancer, the doctors had determined that both chemotherapy and radiation at the same time was needed to control the growth of the tumor after her last surgery. |

The mother understandably was quite concerned about the effects of the radiation as well as the chemotherapy and asked if the charcoal would be helpful in mitigating the negative side effects of these powerful cancer treatments.
My answer was simply, “Yes, activated charcoal can be extremely helpful if you are willing to put in the time and effort.”
Because her daughter was on medications they did not want to take the charcoal orally, however, they were very open to using it topically.
The mother and daughter’s plan was to apply the treatment the very day after the daughter had her first cancer treatments, but how? Charcoal is so messy, how can we apply it to her head? Is it really worth it? These were the questions that were spilling out of this concerned mother.
YES, charcoal can be messy, at least starting out till you get the hang of it, but it is so WORTH IT, please read on.
First, I shared with her the testimony of the man who had a brain tumor that the doctors were not willing to operate on, as it was unlikely that he would survive the surgery. He had excruciating headaches and was understandably quite beside himself. One day his good friends, an elderly married couple, asked him if he would be willing to try a charcoal poultice over his tumor and he said, “yes, of course, I will try anything!”
The wife of the couple made up a large moist charcoal poultice and placed it from his chin to where it wrapped along the side of his head to the base of his neck. They also taught him how to make his own charcoal poultices so that he could do this himself. He was to do this every night and leave it on while he slept and if he wanted to, after letting the head dry a couple hours, he could put another one on in the daytime as well.
In two weeks his headaches were almost gone. In three months after applying the charcoal poultices, he had an MRI and it clearly showed that the tumor was SHRINKING! He continued with the charcoal poultices and another three months went by and a new MRI showed that the tumor was almost gone!! The doctors were as happy as their patient! 🙂
Hearing this testimony, the mother now seemed more hopeful that the charcoal could possibly counteract the negative side effects of the radiation and chemotherapy.
The only real set back was that her daughter had thick hair and lots of it. How, she wondered, would the charcoal poultice work through such thick hair?
It is actually pretty easy, but here is where it can get messy.

The mother also wanted the very best activated charcoal, so she settled on the DETOX 1600, which is also a USP grade, very pure with a very high activity index.
I explained how to make a charcoal gel out of the charcoal powder and coconut oil or any quality oil of your choice. I prefer the coconut oil because it washes out of the hair more easily than olive or sunflower oil.
Being that the tumor was so close to her daughter’s eyes, it was important to treat them as well. She needed a charcoal poultice over the eyes also. For the sake of ease, I showed her the eye pad, with the refill, so she purchased one of those to be a part of the charcoal remedy.
Thankfully the Detox 1600 and the eye pad arrived the same day as her daughter’s first chemotherapy and radiation treatment. They mixed up the gel with the coconut oil and liberally applied it. Then they wrapped it up with ‘Press And Seal‘ plastic food wrap and then covered with a hat of some sort.*
What a mess! The charcoal oil ran down her face and got on the pillows. But, they were convinced that it was helping so they did not give up! Then the mother eventually called me and told me what was happening. I suggested that they switch over to aloe vera gel instead, of which they did and this worked much, much better. Please see this video on mixing charcoal and aloe vera gel. Even though the video says charcoal for skin care, this is the same ratio you will use for applying to the scalp.
They applied the charcoal gel quite generously – just like you would if you were coloring your hair (which I hope you do not do as hair coloring is a very, very toxic!) Just as a tip, if you do use the aloe vera gel and it is somewhat dry in the morning, on your next application, add a little bit of coconut oil which will help to keep it moist till morning. Remember, when charcoal is moist, it has more drawing power. So this went on for several weeks and then when she had called to place another order, I asked how her daughter was doing. She happily reported that she was doing very well and the medical staff, were very encouraged, happy and a bit surprised to see just how well she was doing. Here is the amazing part, her daughter did not have even one negative adverse side effect from the radiation or the chemotherapy! No fatigue, hair loss, no nausea or diarrhea! In fact, she went on to say that one night they decided that they would take a break from doing the charcoal treatment. Who could blame them?? It is a lot of work for Mom and a lot of stress for her daughter, and at first, it can affect your sleeping, as you are not used to having all that ‘stuff’ on your head and eyes. Well, guess what? In the morning her daughter said, “I am never going to do that again!” What did she mean by that? She meant that just by skipping one night, she could clearly feel the difference from not doing the charcoal treatment. She did not feel as good as she did when she had the charcoal gel and the eye mask on all night. Not one adverse side effect from radiation or chemotherapy. Was it worth it? You answer that. At this time the dear young woman is still undergoing the cancer treatments and will for some time, but not as often and she is still doing well and she is beating the odds of her original diagnoses. I am sure that she and her mother would appreciate your prayers – truly the science of charcoal and the prayer of faith make a powerful remedy! *If you are allergic or prefer not to use plastic, you can also use a Natural wax paper that is available at most natural food stores or Amazon Please note that we are not doctors and what we have shared is just someone’s testimony on how charcoal is working for them. Every person’s experience is different. When taking charcoal internally, with a known health condition and you are on drugs, please consult with your healthcare professional first. It is also recommended to ask your pharmacist as well, as he/she would know just how the |
For my PET scan the radioactive drug (tracer) was administered into my vein & then I was inverted feet up for an hour. Then after 60 minutes of being inverted, I was moved to the room where the CAT and PET scan machines were and I was slowly, inch by inch scanned for 45 minutes.I have had cancer I have been through a couple PET scans before & way too many CAT scans with IV contrast and 32-ounce liquid contrast, that I have lost count. I hate the whole process and I start to panic because I know that about an hour after the scans, I will have uncontrollable diarrhea and vomiting. I have to bring a change of clothes and stay in the hospital until I have it under control, it is horrible and so embarrassing. |

Patient undergoing CT scan test in the hospital
But then I learned about using activated charcoal powder in water [a charcoal slurry] for nausea. What a difference the activated charcoal made!!! J
My last CAT scan was in December of 2016 & my last PET scan was in February of this year (2017). Just minutes after each scan, I drank a quart jar of activated charcoal water which I had prepared earlier at home and placed in my bag. Not only did I not have any of my violent, negative side effects from the scans and contrast drugs, I was actually HUNGRY after drinking the charcoal water and I was enjoying my food less in than a half hour after the scans with no nausea or vomiting! There were absolutely no negative sides effects that I was ever aware of!
In case you want to know, I mixed one tablespoon of the DETOX 1600 to one quart of water.
CT in TN