Ear Infection Home Remedy
Earaches often stem from infections that can lead to much worse problems. Activated charcoal is an effective treatment for ear infection, and a safe alternative to antibiotics and drainage tubes. Many medicines for earache are actually ineffective. Years ago, the New England Journal of Medicine (February 10, 1983 issue) reported that a three-year study of decongestants and antihistamines commonly prescribed by ear specialists showed that they were no more effective than doing nothing at all. Putting tubes in a child’s ears is hardly a pleasing alternative.
Ear Infection Home Remedy
Novel serves as mother, department head, counselor, and singer. She is also a “private” nurse. “My first experience with the healing properties of charcoal happened when my infant daughter had an ear infection. Initially I took her to the doctor for the usual treatment. He put her on a penicillin-family derivative and her ear infection cleared up.
“However, after a few weeks the infection returned. When I mentioned this to a girlfriend, she suggested to me that putting a watery paste made from activated charcoal, into my daughter’s ear might very well clear up the infection without resorting to several doses of antibiotics. My girlfriend came over to my home and demonstrated how to make the thin paste. Using an eyedropper, we carefully dribbled it into my daughter’s sore ear. The ear infection soon cleared up and never returned. I took my daughter back to the doctor for a final check to be sure everything was clear inside. He assured me that there was no longer any infection.” Novel told the doctor about the treatment she had done and he was supportive. CharcoalRemedies.com page 134
Testimonial “Hello from India—Ear Infection”
“I just went through your site. I would like to know if I can put charcoal paste into my ears as I have been suffering from ear infection since a month now and have taken a lot of antibiotics too. Please let me know if it is safe to put activated charcoal paste into the ear. I remember my doctor telling me that I do have a fungal sinusitis infection that is maxillary sinusitis. I used to take in charcoal water through my nostrils and it did help me a lot. But can I use the same for my ears too?”
Dear Virginia,
Yes charcoal can be used for ear infections either inside the ear or as a poultice on the outside. The one precaution with using the charcoal inside the ear is to make sure the eardrum is in tact and not ruptured or punctured – in that case a charcoal poultice would be used.
We do have one story posted on our site. (see above)
I would suggest trying mixing the charcoal with some cold pressed olive oil instead of water. I would also suggest trying a charcoal poultice over the ear to see which treatment seems to work better.
Follow the directions for Making a Poultice…”
Virginia replied:
“Dear Mr. John,
Greetings to you. This is Virginia, I do not know if you would remember me. I wrote to you long back, asking if charcoal could be put into the ear for ear infection.
Well let me tell you that I did put a small pinch of activated charcoal powder in two tablespoon of boiled cool water and mixed it very well and then strained it in a strainer so that no sediments would be there and only just the liquid. I put two drops in my ear the first day and after two days just a drop of this charcoal liquid. My ear pain has gone and no more infection. I am so thankful to God. I took enough of medication earlier and nothing worked out. It is all part of the sinusitis problem that I had. I also take in diluted charcoal liquid into my nostrils when I have severe sinusitis and it does help a lot and clears the nostrils. I do that only once in a while, just like how we put saline water into our nostrils and it clears up. So next time my ear gives problem I now know what to do!
Thanks a lot for all your encouragement. May God bless you and your team is my prayer. Regards”
To find out more how charcoal can help you treat ear infections and other common ailments, simply and naturally, right in your home, order the book CharcoalRemedies.com now.

John Dinsley
Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.
1 Comment. Leave new
I used it for the ear ache I had and it cleared up. However there is some remains of the charcoal in the ear, it is making me uncomfortable, how do I have it dislodged or it will get cleared?