February 2008 – Charcoal Times
Table of Contents
WELCOME to the Second Issue of CharcoalTimes™, a courtesy newsletter of CharcoalRemedies.com.
Judging from the response to our December Issue it seems most of our readers found the information useful, timely, practical, or inspiring. We trust you will find this Issue the same.
In this Issue:
- Charcoal Science 101
- New Personal Testimonies
- Seminars – dates and places
- Activated Charcoal Cloth for Burn Victims & Varicose Ulcers
We invite our readers’ comments, suggestions, and experiences. We will do our best to respond to letters but where questions overlap we will post them on a subsequent newsletter.
Do you have a “Black Thumb”? Our next Issue will focus on Charcoal and Agriculture, from orchids and golf greens to spring gardens and the fascinating research around Terra Preta.
Sincerely john dinsley
In our December Issue we briefly covered some of the history of charcoal as a medicinal going as far back as the burial sands of ancient Egypt and reaching up to the most modern hospitals in the 21st century. In this issue we will look at some of the science that has made charcoal so famous as a purifier, poison neutralizer, and a simple natural remedy for many common and some not-so-common ills. Again, this brief overview will satisfy most readers and drive the more curious to research further into this enigma of modern science. How does charcoal remove bad odors, “clean” pharmaceuticals and nutraceuticals, “wash” water, or quiet an upset stomach? Here is part of the mystery.
Charcoal Science – 101
The simplest description of charcoal is the cold hard black remains left over after your campfire has gone out. Essentially all the water has been evaporated off (Pyrolysis), along with some volatile constituents, leaving behind the familiar crusty crumbly black chunks. Now charcoal can be made from the bones of animals, or coal, but for medicinal use it has historically come primarily from plant-based sources such as hardwood, bamboo, coconut, or peat. But, what is left after the fire goes out is, apart from a few trace minerals, pure carbon, just like the carbon atoms that make up the soft graphites in a “lead” pencil or the 345 carat diamonds in a golden crown. What makes them different from each other is their distinct physical structures.
The carbon atoms in the graphite molecule lie in parallel sheets that allow them to “shed” easily in layers.
On the other hand the carbon atoms in a diamond are arranged in a 3-dimensional framework that reinforces each facet of its perfect cubic structure, making it the hardest mineral known. Charcoal
Then there is charcoal. It has an intricate lattice-like design with no recognizable pattern. Quite invisible to the eye is the tremendous surface area hidden within the countless folds and cracks of the charcoal particles. It is to this large surface area that a vast number of chemicals (including many that are poisonous to life), bind electrostatically (Vander Waal’s Forces). It is this tremendous surface area that science began to more fully harness during the late 1800s leading to the “activation” of raw charcoal. By subjecting the raw charcoal to the “activation” of oxidizing agents such as air, steam, or oxygen, at high temperatures, the internal structure of the charcoal particle is further eroded creating an even greater surface area. Charcoal particles have a disproportionately high surface area as can be seen in this scanning electron micrograph of a particle of activated charcoal. If we could unfold one gram of activated charcoal it would equal anywhere from 500 to 1500m2. One teaspoon of activated charcoal powder (about 3.3gms) has about the same surface area as a football field. This tremendous surface area translates into a tremendous potential to “adsorb” large amounts of gases, toxins, poisons, or pollutants. For example a 1 quart jar of activated charcoal powder can adsorb 80 quarts of ammonia gas! Now that’s a “Black Hole”, and one we can actually see. Along with the tremendous surface area of charcoal there are the pores that tunnel into the actual charcoal particles.
Charcoal manufacturers have developed different activation processes so that they can control to a large degree the size of these pores. In this way different charcoals can be designed to match the molecular sizes of the “pollutants” that are being targeted. These pores range in size from small to even smaller (50µ in diameter down to under 2µ). Manufacturers of charcoal first look at the impurities to be removed from a substance. They then select the material and activation process that best match the impurities. For example, proteins are generally large molecules and are found in most natural products. Next come coloring compounds. The range continues all the way down to the very small, relatively volatile odor compounds. Industry has been able to produce charcoals with internal structures and pores that match these various molecular sizes.
Activated charcoal works through several different mechanisms. Adsorption (not to be confused with absorption), the most well known mechanism, acts by electrostatically binding molecules to the surfaces of the charcoal particle – technically known as Van der Waals forces, or chemisorption. Then there are chemical reduction reactions – as when charcoal is used to remove chlorine from water. Activated charcoal can also catalyze a number of chemical conversions, or can be a carrier of catalytic agents such as precious metals. An example is using silver impregnated charcoal to disinfect water. Charcoal can also act as a carrier of biomass, as in supporting material in biological filters used in your backyard goldfish pond. Another function is as a carrier of chemicals as in slow release color applications – food dyes and pigments. Are there more mechanisms? Scientists suspect there are.
In 1985 researchers H. W. Kroto and R. E. Smalley were curious about the atmosphere of giant red stars. It was known that carbon forms cluster molecules under such conditions. Among other carbon species, they detected the carbon molecule C60 for the first time. It possessed unique physicochemical properties, extra stability, as well as some previously unexplained phenomena. To account for these features, they proposed a geodesic-like structure, one that essentially looks like the pattern on a soccer ball. Consequently the molecule was named after Buckminster Fuller, the inventor of geodesic domes (made famous at the 1967 World’s Fair). Buckminsterfullerene (fondly referred to as “Buckyballs” amongst some researchers) is the chosen name for C60, whereas the name fullerene is conveniently used for this whole family of closed carbon cages. They may not be as big as giant red stars, but these microscopic cells have gigantic appetites.
In 1999 Eiji Osawa, and colleagues at the Toyohashi University of Technology in Japan, demonstrated that C60 can also be extracted from wood charcoal. As a result, many researchers now visualize charcoal as a structure made up of fragments of these “Buckyballs”. Along with the discovery of nanotubes or “Bucky onions” there is the suggestion of new magnetic and electrical properties. It all sounds a little bit like science fiction. No doubt in time these latest models for charcoal will again be modified. In the meantime charcoal still mystifies even the informed. Scientists marvel as they continue to ask, “How is charcoal able to…?”
Henry Schaefer is the resident Quantum Chemist at the University of Georgia and Professor of Chemistry, Emeritus, at UC Berkeley. He is the third most quoted chemist in the world. He writes of his different discoveries: “The significance and joy in my science comes in those occasional moments of discovering something new and saying, “So that’s how God did it!” How is charcoal able to…? God knows.
A Mystery
Being skeptical by nature, I want to know how a thing works. Naturally then, I want to know why/how charcoal works. I can hardly blame some people for questioning charcoal as a remedy. If they ask how it works, science has no complete answer. For some minds, that will mark the end of their interest. For those who may be critical because there is no complete “rational” explanation as to how charcoal works, may I point you to the classic drug reference for students and practitioners, The Pharmacological Basis Of Therapeutics by Goodman and Gilman. Goodman writes, “There are few drugs, if any, for which we know the basic mechanism of action. Drug action is not drug effect. The effect results from the action of the drug.” Regarding the use of nitroglycerin to moderate attacks of angina, Gilman goes on to write, “The mode of action of nitrates to relieve typical angina is not fully understood.” The same may be said of charcoal. The positive effects of charcoal as a remedy are well documented, as you will see below. While the question of how charcoal works remains unclear, as it does for most drugs, there is one big difference. Charcoal has no known poisonous side effects.
The Future of Charcoal
From the dawn of civilization, man has had an intimate relationship with charcoal. As man and his technology have advanced, so too have the environmental consequences increased. History tells us vast tracts of forests were denuded to meet the demand for the prized charcoal to change rock and sand into metals and glass. But the metals and glass used to build, beautify, and conquer with were a two-edged sword. As the land suffered from the thoughtless clear-cutting practices, the atmosphere and streams also began to feel the added burden of industry’s pollution. And, with the polluting came new diseases.
As time has marched on, technology has proliferated and, not surprisingly, so too has disease, on land, in air and sea, in plants, in animals, and in man. Two thousand years ago, in the midst of the Iron Age, Paul of Tarsus recognized even then, that “The whole creation groans and labors as in the pains of childbirth right up to the present”. How well it describes our environmental concerns today.
But, we have not been abandoned to our wastelands of pollution and disease without help. The simple benefits of the humble charcoal have also been magnified and exploited, almost beyond imagination. Charcoal has been found more than capable of disarming the lethal properties of thousands of man-made pollutants. Science is employing charcoal in countless ways as it tries to stem the tide of exponential growth in disease in both the animal and vegetable kingdoms. Whether you are living within easy access of the technological advances of North America, or hiking the trails of some developing country, charcoal is just as modern as it was four thousand years ago, just as universal, just as versatile, and just as powerful. In a world being poisoned by its own near-sighted wisdom, God the Creator has provided man with a microscopic black hole big enough to swallow much of what ails us. CharcoalRemedies pp. 38-40.
Do you have a “Black Thumb”?
Next Issue: we will focus on charcoal and agriculture. From orchids and golf greens to spring gardens and the fascinating research around Terra Preta.
Your Stories
We want to thank the many who have shared their personal testimonies with us and apologize that we are unable to post all of them. Each are a witness to the efficacy of activated charcoal as a simple natural remedy for a wide number of conditions – for people and for pets. We would invite you to the Your Stories pages to read some of the many touching stories we receive regularly. We have included a number of stories from January.
Our little grandson was born 9 months ago and had acid reflux problems from the start. The doctors tried all sorts of things to help him. For the first 4 or 5 months of his life he slept in his car seat. He also wore a sleep apnea monitor for the first 5 or 6 months of his life. He was on various medications also which seemed to help some. However, for the past few weeks he just seemed to be getting worse. He would wake up many times during the night screaming and crying and twisting and pulling his hair. Our daughter would comfort him, change him or feed him, if needed, and put him back down, just to have to get up in the next 45 to 60 minutes again. I looked on the Internet for a solution and ran across Colic Calm. I got some to our daughter as soon as possible. The change in him was unbelievable. She said he still woke up 3 times that first night, but was not mad or in pain, she took care of him and put him right back down and he slept so much better. The second night he woke up once for his diaper change and bottle, then slept the rest of the night. It has been like that ever since. We are so happy, it’s like a miracle. She cancelled the doctor’s appointment she had scheduled for him today. He is fine now. Thank you.
January 2008
Neapolitan Mastiff puppy & Diarrhea
I wish to tell you about my experiences with powdered activated charcoal:
Because I have had a serious mercury poisoning after vaccines and (mostly) amalgam fillings, I have suffered from lack of energy and periods of severe headaches/migraine, and with pain in the stomach/intestines. Powdered charcoal has helped me with my problems, especially with the stomach/intestines, together with other natural remedies like herbs, kelp, homeopathics etc..
I have also used the charcoal when my Neapolitan Mastiff puppy, 3 months at the time, had diarrhea with some blood. I just put some charcoal into his food, and 2 days later all was back to normal. I am going to continue to use charcoal for all my dogs (Neapolitan Mastiff, Anatolian Shepherd Dog, Irish Wolfhound.) every day, just to reduce possible toxins etc. that they might have, and to remove heavy metals, chemicals etc. from vaccines. Needless to say I am very skeptical to vaccines, I really feel that vaccines should be avoided, because they do more harm to the body than good.
All the best,
January 2008
Sandi is a veteran charcoal user and recently sent on several stories. I have posted a few here, the rest are on the 2008 Your Stories page.
Navel & Tooth Paste
In the winter I layer clothing so I have 3 layers of clothing over my navel all winter. This does cause some problems such as fungal growth in the navel from body heat and sweat. A few weeks ago this problem surfaced and I immediately thought of charcoal. I wet a charcoal tablet and inserted into the navel and held it in place overnight with a bandaid. In the morning I changed the tablet and by the next evening the soreness and redness was almost gone. This was surely an easy and comfortable remedy. As soon as the moistened tablet was in place the burning pain was gone. I use charcoal powder for brushing my teeth on a periodic basic by dipping my moistened toothbrush into charcoal powder and then brushing. It really cleans and freshens and keeps the gums healthy. I’m always sure to use this several times before and after a dental visit. It also whitens my teeth. The dental hygienist has several times commented on how healthy my gums are and I attribute this to the charcoal treatments.
About 10 days ago a new girl at our company – a Chemical Process Engineer named Erin, stopped at my desk and asked if I had anything for a headache. I apologized as I told her I didn’t take any drugs so didn’t have anything for a headache unless she wanted to try Charcoal. She gave me a strange look and I explained it to her. Being familiar with charcoal as its use in filters she took 4 tablets with her. I told her if she didn’t find any painkillers from anyone else to give it a try, as she may be toxic which would cause a headache. To my surprise, later in the day she told me that she took the four tablets and almost immediately her headache subsided and she was able to work the remainder of the day headache free. I also offered her your book to read and she consented and said she would have it back to me on Monday – I gave her the book on Friday. On Monday she requested another week to read the book as she decided to read the entire book, as it was so good.
About 12 years ago I came home from a Women’s Retreat only to find our two dogs ill from Parvovirus. The virus had already killed our brother-in-laws new puppy and our dogs were sick now. They had been having numerous bouts of diarrhea and were sore in their behinds and dehydrated. I proceeded to get some garlic capsules and charcoal into them orally. Next I mixed several charcoal water enemas and put then into small fleet enema bottles. I administered these to each dog (outdoors of course). They were so dehydrated that they absorbed the enema water and did not expel it. That was the end of the problem and both dogs recovered very nicely.
Fried Chicken
My husband John loves his store bought fried chicken and has frequent bouts of food poisoning as a result. He has learned that a few teaspoons of powdered charcoal in a glass of water takes care of the stomach pain and loose stools that accompany these illnesses. One time he ate a fish sandwich at a fast food restaurant while traveling for his work and did not have his charcoal with him. He was very upset with himself for not having it available as he became very ill that evening; since then he always has charcoal with him when he is away from home.
Pink Eye
About 4 years ago I awoke with a scratchy burning eye. Looking in the mirror it appeared to be pinkeye. Not wanting to go to the doctor I made a slurry of charcoal with water. After it settled I inserted a clean Q-tip in the water and moistened my lower eye-lid with the solution. There was instant pain relief and after several drops of this water were put into the eye I was ready to go to work. I did have a little “grit” go to the tear duct area where it was wiped away with a tissue. This was a simple and effective remedy! I also used this for a developing sty this past winter with excellent results [but had to use] a few more applications and a poultice held on the eye for several hours.
January 2008
Stomach Flu
I have previously spoken to your wife on an occasion when my adult son had cellulitis. Thank you for your knowledge and sweet help.
I look forward to your newsletters.
P.S. The stomach flu tried to hit our home at Thanksgiving and the three of us who took Activated Charcoal at the beginning of early queasy feelings were quickly well.
Also, my adult daughter has gone on a year long mission trip to a very backward area overseas. One of the three medicinal items I sent with her was Activated Charcoal.
Keep up the good work,
January 2008
Kelly works in the Medical Laboratories section of a very well know Medical Center, but she is a great believer in natural remedies, including charcoal, if she gets ill. “They all work much better than traditional medicine. People know to come to my desk when they have ills as I always keep charcoal on hand.” Kelly shared a couple stories.
Cold Sores
My one desk partner often gets cold sores. She asked me what she could use (knowing I don’t use drugs), and I told her Lysine. I had given her charcoal for something (I don’t remember), and she said, “Hey! If I mix charcoal with the Lysine, do you think that will help?” I replied that the charcoal could turn the area black if the sore was open; to be careful. When Jenni felt a cold sore coming on, she mixed charcoal with the Lysine and applied it to her cold sore, and it worked! The area got red, however, the cold sore did not come to a full head nor was it too sore for her and didn’t linger as long.
Brown Recluse?
One morning at 2 a.m., I awoke to see my husband sitting on the end of our bed on my side. I asked if it was morning. He said, “no.” I focused on him, and he was gray. I asked him what was wrong. He said to me “I think I’m going to throw up.” I replied, “Don’t you think you should be in the bathroom to do that?” He then proceeded to tell me he didn’t feel right and didn’t think he could make it. I helped him to the toilet and asked him what was wrong. Charcoal was the only thing I thought of to give him since his stomach was upset. As he kneeled over the toilet, I quickly made him a glass of water and charcoal, which he drank. He didn’t throw up, then rose from the floor and walked to the sink. It was then I noticed a perfectly round circle on his rear end with a small red dot in the middle of it. I said, “Chad, you’ve been bit by something.” I ran back to the kitchen telling him I was making him a Charcoal Poultice. I placed it on his behind and told him to hold it there as I looked at the welts that were coming up on his body. It was terrible! They protruded a good ¼ inch and were all over his arms and chest. In his groin area, was a HUGE welt. It looked like an upside-down squash. Back to the kitchen I went to make another larger charcoal poultice. As I held that on his groin area (he still had the poultice on his rear end), I noticed his neck. He had a perfectly round ‘collar’ around his neck that was bright red and hot to the touch. He called his sister, who is an R.N. asking her questions. She asked him if his throat was closing at all. He said, “No.” Her reply was “Good, you are too far from the hospital to make it there in time.” She said “It sounds like a recluse spider bit you.” For two hours we kept charcoal over the bite on his rear end and over the groin area. I searched the bed for a spider, lifted the mattress, looked under the dresser…no spider. By this time, it was about 4:30 a.m., and he wanted to get to bed, so we did. I called into work to tell them what happened adding that I needed more rest. When I arrived to work, the girls had researched recluse spiders, and said it sounded as if Chad had been bit by one. We heated with wood at this time, and one lady I worked with had a friend who did the same finding a recluse on a piece of wood under the bark; she added this is more likely how the spider got in the house. Chad had all the symptoms except the bite area didn’t deteriorate because of the charcoal, and we never did find the spider. My husband has been sick twice in the 8½ years that I’ve known him…flu for one day & this spider bite.
Again, we would like to thank our contributors for taking the time to write, and want to extend the invitation to our many readers to share their stories too.
Miscellaneous News
Next Scheduled Seminars:
February 2 – “The Great Escape” – Chadron, Nebraska
* “Charcoal Therapy in the 21st Century“
February 20 – Chadron State College, Chadron, Nebraska
* “Medicinal Charcoal – a Simple & Safe Alternative”
March 11 – Life Unlimited monthly meeting – Eagan, Minnesota
* Charcoal Applications and Home Hydrotherapy Demonstrations
Activated Carbon Wound Dressing For Severe Burns
In searching the Internet, I continue to stumble on interesting bits of information about new as well as old research concerning the medicinal use of charcoal. This past month, in following up some information on activated charcoal wound dressings, I came across a fascinating article on the use of activated charcoal cloth for the treatment of second degree burns.
The lead author, Dr. Cordula Krawehl-Nakath, writes, that the standard procedure for burn injuries is topical wound treatment consisting mainly of disinfection of burned surfaces, followed by applications of antiseptic solutions and ointments (typically sulfadiazine or iodine) with or without bandaging. She adds:
“At the Department of Burn Care of the German Armed Forces Central Hospital in Koblenz, we have been using carbon (charcoal) wound dressings for treatment of patients with 2nd degree burn injuries (a and b) since 1996. These dressings, impregnated with antiseptics, are an exceptional wound dressing. We call this method of treatment the “Koblenz Model”.
Why Activated Charcoal Cloth?
“The production of wound dressings manufactured from carbon fiber fabrics was strongly influenced through the treatment of radiation burns after the breakdown of the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl in 1985. Sterile gauze, easy to handle and suitable for treatment of the burn injuries was needed”
Two wound dressings, Sorusal® and Legius®, were developed from carbonized pine cellulose—the former having a higher porosity with higher absorption is used as an initial dressing, and the latter being impregnated with antiseptic solutions is used for long-term disinfection. The manufacturer claims:
- Wound secretions are absorbed and the wound surface is cleansed and virtually free of germs.
- Carbon (Charcoal) has cleansing tendencies and absorbs microbes, chemical substances, purulent secretions and prevents odors.
- The wound dressings are chemically inert and do not adhere to the wound surface when properly applied.
- Wound dressings are:
- surface active and atraumatic
- can be used in the treatment of up to 2b grade burns and for the treatment of various injuries in all phases of healing; from a necrotic / infectious stage to the regenerating phase of healing
- effective in the conservative treatment of wound healing disorders, decubitus, chronic ulcers and diabetic lower-leg syndrome.
- the use of carbon (charcoal) dressings facilitates the assessment of the healing process of the wound as well as the extent and depth in the use of burn wounds.
Dr. Krawehl-Nakath concludes:
“In treating burn injuries with carbon fiber dressings, the assessment of the extent and depth of the wound is made possible, and is not distorted through ointments remaining on the wound. Surface burns heal quickly; the determination of the optimum point in time for surgical intervention in the case of deep burns is facilitated. Due to the painless dressing change, the dressings are tolerated very well by patients.
Amazing! Click here to see some of the Recovery Pictures. using Sorusal® and Legius® activated carbon cloth wound dressings.
Clinical Research – Varicose Ulcers
These activated charcoal dressings were also used to treat a Study Group with varicose ulcers. The treatment group consisted of 54 male and 100 female patients, with an average age of 68 years (min. 31 years, max. 94 years of age)
- 70% of the attending physicians said the charcoal dressings worked “better” or “much better” than other wound dressings,
- As an effective treatment, 84% of the physicians rated the dressings as “very good” or “good”,
- There was a visible decrease in wound exudation,
- 75% of the patients had a strong or moderate tissue granulation,
- There was development of new epithelial tissue in 85% of the participating patients during the end-examination.
What else can you do for burns and open wounds if you don’t have the latest Activated Charcoal Wound Dressings or even Activated Charcoal?
We will end this section with these three stories from our book CharcoalRemedies.com The Complete Handbook of Medicinal Charcoal & Its Applications
Gasoline Burns
Dr. Marjorie Baldwin, MD, is a resident physician at the Wildwood Hospital, just out of Chattanooga, Georgia, and has often used activated charcoal to promote healing. She shared this story about an eleven-year-old boy named Jimmy who was the unfortunate victim of a cigarette and a can of gasoline, leaving him severely burned on the backs of his legs:
“He was brought to our hospital, and immediately laid face down on an examining table. In places his trousers were burned to his skin, and he was shrieking with pain. Immediately upon his arrival, I commandeered a crew of male nurses to prepare a large quantity of charcoal slurry. As I cleared his legs of all possible foreign matter, the crew smeared this thick paste of charcoal slurry on a piece of cotton flannel that would reach from side to side and waist to ankles. Then we quickly flipped this wet poultice, charcoal side down, over the burned area. Instantly the shrieking ceased, and the exhausted boy heaved a big sigh of relief. The cold charcoal had completely relieved his pain. All that Jimmy had was charcoal. He was spared his limbs to walk again.”
What Dr. Baldwin used regularly in her practice, other progressive physicians are also discovering. The Lancet, the prestigious British medical journal, describes the use of charcoal compresses to speed the healing of wounds and to eliminate their odors. This article (Sept 13, 1980) tells about the amazing ability of human skin to allow the transfer of liquids, gasses and even micro-particles through its permeable membrane and pores. By the application of moist activated charcoal compresses and poultices, bacteria and poisons are drawn through the skin and into the charcoal. Poultices must be kept moist and warm to allow this healing process to take place. CharcoalRemedies p.107
Pamela shared three remarkable experiences with me (the other two are included in the book). The following is one she will never forget. You will also notice another vital ingredient to successful natural remedies.
It was several years ago that Pamela went over to the Philippines to help with public meetings promoting health. “Groups of young people were going door-to-door inviting people to the program. I would ask if anyone in the home was sick and needed help. But no one responded. But there was one young person in the group who looked in need. He was missing one arm, and his other wrist was bandaged. He had been with a group of young people climbing in the mountains, and somehow had grabbed an electrified line. The burns were so severe they had had to amputate the one arm. Now the doctors were going to decide whether or not they should remove the other. It had not healed and had become infected. Because of the circumstances, I offered to treat his arm. He was unsure whether he should, so he asked his mother. She was so thrilled. She had been praying for something to save her son’s arm.
When I asked about getting some activated charcoal, she said she would have some for me within two weeks. I told them that I only had ten more days before I would be leaving. Instead I told her, “Bring me some charcoal chunks, a bag, a hammer, and a boy to pound the chunks into a powder.” With some of the sifted powder, and a little water, we made a thick slurry. We washed and ironed some old sheets to make bandages. The boy had an inflamed surgical scar from his elbow down to his wrist. The doctors had tried to surgically remove the spreading infection. But it was his wrist that I focused on. There was an infected patch around his wrist about an inch and a half wide. The area had a putrid smell and was very painful.
I applied the charcoal directly to the area and covered it. He returned that afternoon and told me that for the first time, the pain had stopped. The next morning when I removed the bandages there was no smell. The area showed new pink tissue. But the skin over the surgical scar also sloughed off, and you could see the suture marks. We then put a poultice up the entire length of the arm.
The entire arm was well on its way to being completely healed by the time I left. The family was so grateful. The boy had told me, “If I loose my arm I will end up a beggar”.”
No wonder Pamela will never forget that experience! But, the other vital ingredient (to successful natural remedies) that I alluded to at the beginning of this story is a willingness to try a simple natural alternative to powerful drugs even when a positive outcome seems more than remote…… CharcoalRemedies p.105
Dr. Baldwin says that any inflammation, any area that is red, painful, swollen, and hot, responds to charcoal. She applies charcoal as a poultice if the inflammation is on the outside of the body, or gives it by mouth if the inflammation is in the digestive tract. Dr. Baldwin tells of a young woman with diabetes, who had developed ulcers on her feet and was threatened with gangrene. Her husband had frantically taken her to a very well known medical clinic in the Midwest. When the feet did not respond to careful treatment including antibiotics, she was told that she would need double amputation. She absolutely refused amputation, saying, she would rather die than live without her feet. Instead they went to Wildwood Hospital and Dr. Baldwin took charge of her case.
She writes in her e-mail,
“I had the severely damaged feet put into separate double plastic bags partially filled with a slurry of charcoal and water at body temperature. The baggies were loosely tied above the ankles and a pillow was used to prop up the knees to keep the charcoal around her feet and from running out. When we completed applying the poultices, I and my helpers gathered around our patient and asked the Lord to bless the treatments and to guide our minds as to what more we could do.”
Except for a brief period each morning when her feet received a sunbath and were allowed to dry, they were kept in the bags around the clock, with the charcoal mixture being changed four times a day. Her diet was also supplemented with extra Vitamin A in the form of a daily glass of carrot juice. This program restored her health, she was dismissed from the hospital, and she walked out on both feet!” CharcoalRemedies p.107
Whether in a modern hospital or a primitive setting Medicinal Charcoal is Simple, Affordable, Accessible, Free from adverse side effects, and Easy to apply – a chemical engineer’s dream. With such a heaven sent remedy at our service, crafted by an all-wise Creator, it is our privilege to look to the Great Physician to bless the science of chemistry and the prayer of faith.

John Dinsley
Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.