How to Get Rid of a Stye: 3 Amazing Home Remedies

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How to Get Rid of a Stye
Are you searching for simple home remedies for how to get rid of a stye naturally? If so, you have come to the right place. A stye, referred to medically as a hordeolum, is a fluid-filled bump resembling a pimple and is located around the perimeter of the eyelid. Along with this bump are the following symptoms:
- Inflammation and pain
- Increased tearing
- Dry crust along the outer edge of the eyelid
- Itchiness
What Causes Styes in your Eye?
According to the Mayoclinic, a stye results from the oil glands within the eyelid becoming infected. The bacteria called staphylococcus is most often responsible for this infection. We increase our chances of receiving a stye by:
- Applying expired makeup or cosmetic products
- Removing or inserting contact lenses with unsanitary hands
- Leaving makeup on overnight
- Touching the face and eyes without washing the hands
- Lacking proper hygiene
Are Eye Styes Contagious?
Eye styes are not contagious. Though you cannot catch a stye from someone else, the staphylococcus bacteria that causes the stye is contagious. If the eye of another person comes into direct contact with that bacteria, there is a rare chance they will also develop a stye. Beware of sharing pillows or towels until the stye has healed.
Top 3 Remedies for Styes
Now that we have some foundational information about styes, let’s jump into answering the question you really want to know: how to get rid of a stye fast.
Activated Charcoal
Activated charcoal is a fine, black powder created when coal, wood, coconut, or other vegetable based substances are burned at extremely high temperatures. The remaining powder is a powerful remedy for removing toxins from the body and promoting overall health. Activated charcoal has shown dramatic results for stye treatment.
There are several options for applying activated charcoal, and you may choose to use one or all of them at different times.
- DIY charcoal poultice. Mix activated charcoal powder with water to form a thick paste. Apply the paste over the infected eye, and cover with a paper towel, plastic wrap, and tape to hold it in place. Allow it to remain overnight.
- DIY charcoal eye drops. Mix one teaspoon of charcoal powder with one cup of filtered water. Strain out the water into another cup or bowl using a coffee filter or a fine strainer. With an eyedropper, place 2-3 drops of charcoal water into the infected eye three to four times daily.
- Soothing charcoal eye mask. If you want to utilize charcoal for a stye recovery without the effort or mess of charcoal poultices, consider purchasing a charcoal eye mask.
Warm Compresses
We highly recommend warm compresses as a stye treatment. There are three principles given by Dr. Joseph Allen M.D. that will help warm compress treatments to be effective. His main points are listed below.
- During warm compress treatments, there must be a continual source of heat, allowing the solidified oils within the infected glands to melt.
- Apply heat for a minimum of ten minutes, but fifteen to twenty minutes is optimal. Because a warm washcloth cools off too quickly, we recommend purchasing a preheatable eye mask such as this one. These are able to hold their heat consistently for more than ten minutes at a time.
- Apply warm compresses four times a day until symptoms disappear.
Implementing some simple lifestyle changes can help us be on the road to stye recovery. Though these lifestyle habits promote eye health and healing, they provide many benefits for the whole body.
- No sugar. Eric Berg M.D. identifies the root cause for long stye recovery times, and that is sugar consumption. The body’s immune system goes into action to rid the body of harmful bacteria. The neutrophil, the body’s primary white blood cell defense against bacterial infections, begins to eat all of the harmful bacteria. When we consume sugar, the neutrophil will spend its time eating the sugar instead of the bacteria. To promote quick stye recovery, avoid high-sugar medicines, juices, and other high-sugar foods.
- Lack of sleep leads to a compromised immune system. Styes tend to appear when a person lacks proper sleep and rest. Set a goal to reach eight hours of sleep each night.
- Though stress does not directly cause styes, stress causes the immune system to weaken. This weakness makes it easy for pathogens and bacteria to enter the body, thus causing sickness. Allow yourself to let go of stress. Destressing positively impacts the body both mentally and physically.
- Eating foods with antioxidants improves immunity and prevents bacterial infections, which is extremely beneficial for stye recovery. Aim to eat foods rich in Vitamins A, C, and E. Strawberries, beans, kale, and beets are just a few examples of foods rich in antioxidants.
- Boost Immune System. By implementing other positive habits such as healthy eating, exercise, and proper hygiene, you can further boost your immune system. Not only does this decrease stye recovery time, but it will help you stay healthier in the long run.
Final Thoughts on Stye Treatment
How do you get rid of a stye fast? Combine all three of these simple home remedies to experience the best results: activated charcoal, warm compresses, and lifestyle changes. Try it, and let us know how it goes for you. Who knows, if you try all of these great remedies, you may find out the secret for how to get rid of a stye overnight!

John Dinsley
Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.
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