Is tap water safe to drink?
Perhaps you caught the trending news – an ethics professor recommends secretly lacing public water supplies with psychoactive drugs like oxytocin [the “love hormone”] and psilocybin [the active component of “magic mushrooms”] to help people be more compliant with mandatory COVID-19 vaccines. I am assuming this must refer to people diagnosed with ODD [Obedience Defiance Disorder]. In any case the rational is that people who do defy laws based on the perceived “public good”, need the help of self-appointed social engineers like Parker Crutchfield [Western Michigan University] to advocate for secretly injecting some psychoactive drug into municipal water supplies. Sounds a bit like Hal Lindsey and his crew contemplating dumping LSD into the city water back in the 60s and 70s. This would all be hysterically laughable if not for the sobering reality that some people do lay awake at night dreaming up another scheme to control the masses.
Monopolizing public water supplies is a longstanding tactic used to exploit whole populations. Altering the chemistry of water for economic, political, or social advantage is not something new. Tainting or poisoning public water supplies is a common military tactic to disadvantage the enemy. Whatever the reason or justification, it is clear, whoever is at the mercy of the one who controls the main water distribution point, will corporately share in the health risks that come with chemically tinkering with the water of life. Unless… Unless they are proactive and pay the extra expense to filter out, or neutralize any hidden agendas polluting their drinking water.
Bottled Water Pros and Cons
Bottled water is a lesser risk than public water, but it is 300 times more expensive. And it is contributing to a huge environmental hazard – mountainous landfills and plastic floating islands in the oceans. Common sense says clean the water at least at the most critical point of use [POU], the kitchen faucet, if not at the point of entry [POE] to one’s house. Thankfully, God has provided a simple product that has been filtering tainted/poisonous water for thousands of years – charcoal.
Distilled Water Pros and Cons
While distilling water is a very safe and reliable way of purifying contaminated water, it depends on some energy source that can also be expensive and controlled. There are a variety of water purifiers that use ultraviolet rays for disinfecting, reverse osmosis, etc. but installing a simple water filter with activated charcoal is clearly the most cost effective.
Time to Take Personal Responsibility
As in giant agribusiness, people have become commercialized like hot house plants. You add the right chemicals to the water and you can get fabulous looking fruits and vegetables with little to no flavor. Whether it is chlorine, chloramine, fluoride, lithium [as a so-called natural preventive for suicide and depression – used in 7-Up way back in 1929 ], LSD, increased contamination of pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, birth control drugs, steroids that are contaminating underground aquifers, or who knows what other toxic cocktail some psychologist wants to test, is it not time to take responsibility for what you and your family are drinking? It is!
Biblical Advice on Water for your Household
The Bible gives very practical advice on drinking water – “Drink waters out of thine own cistern, and running waters out of thine own well.” [Proverbs 5:15] In other words take control of the quality of the water you drink. If you have a well, make sure you have control over its access. If you collect rainwater into a cistern, make sure you protect the source as best as you can. But, in our day, considering the pollution in the air that mixes with the rain, and the contamination of shallow ground water and even deep wells, filtering and purifying your drinking water before it goes into your mouth or the mouths of your children cannot be ignored without risk.
“For the common/public good” has become the mantra of sociologists, religious leaders, and other politicians. And “for the common good”, one by one freedoms and responsibilities are bought and sold in world trade centers. But the water you drink does not need to be one of them.
Of course, moving out of the city to some relatively private property with its own well of pure water would be a big step in the right direction, but whichever direction you take, be proactive. Even glacier water is not totally free of contamination. Get a water distiller, a POU reverse osmosis kitchen sink filter, install an ultraviolet water purifier, or get a whole house POE activated charcoal filter and reclaim some of your God-given freedoms and responsibilities. You are not powerless. You do not need to be slaves or laboratory animals.
The First City of Babylon
The book of Genesis [chapter 11] pictures the magnificent ancient city of Babel. The master minds confederated to build a metropolis whose Tower would disappear into the clouds. But there at the beginning of man’s new world order, at the height of that cloud-based internetwork, their comunionism became confusionism and their social experiment became the haunt of owls. Their second attempt claimed itself a world heritage site, one of the Seven Wonders of the World, with its lush tropical hanging gardens, intersected by the supposedly never-ending waters of the Euphrates River. But in one dark night their water system vanished, and their enemies picked them off like helpless fish stranded on the sand bar. [Daniel 5]
The Last City of Babylon
The book of Revelation pictures the last city of Babylon, the Mother of all cities, the wonder of commerce and technology, at the end of the new world order, as the epicenter of devastating world plagues resulting from her God-defying immorality. A messenger from heaven cuts through the evening news with the syndicated alarm, the great city “Babylon is fallen… Come out of her, My people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.” [Revelation 18:4]
How fitting a picture of modern cities today. Glorified concentration camps full of luxuries, crimes that forbid retelling… and plagues. Apparently, like Lot in Sodom and Gomorrah [Genesis 19], God identifies many of His people as lingering in the valley of indecision about whether it is time to leave, or risk waiting for a better opportunity. Meanwhile the social engineers spend sleepless nights conjuring up ways to keep the multitudes fastened in drug-induced mental/spiritual commas. One favorite diabolical plan is to drug the city water.
Babylonian Pandemics
Little wonder that God announces He will “destroy them that destroy the earth” [Revelation 11:18] – no idle threat. The seven last plagues that permanently crush the earth include turning the seas and rivers and springs into the “blood of a dead man” [Revelation 16:3]
It is no coincidence that the Bible begins with mention of life-giving water, and ends with the river of life “clear as crystal” flowing out from the throne of God, in the city of God. Clearly, safe drinking water is one of the greatest prizes of the earth made new. How fitting that the Bible ends with this call to freedom:
“And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will, let him take the water of life freely.” [Revelation 22:17]
John Dinsley
August 2020

John Dinsley
Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.
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