Uganda 2018 Public Health Seminar
January 2018 John was invited to do a one-week training seminar in natural remedies for the theology class at Bugema University in Uganda [central Africa]. We had visited there before and given a short program, which prompted a desire on the part of some of the faculty to start a School of Public Health. Now it was decided John would organize a health workshop with the help of a Ugandan couple who were already involved in public health programs. Following the week of instruction, the Theology class would be involved in organizing and conducting a “Health & Happiness” 2-week program in Zirobwe, a central village about 20 miles distant from the campus. Health classes in the late afternoon, followed by an evening program on Total Health – physical, mental and spiritual, as presented in the Bible. John would be one of the presenters in the afternoon and share the evening presentations under the starry night sky with Dr. Worancha, the dean of the school of Theology.
John, Cyrus and his wife Halima, arrived early in the afternoon and set up in one of the adjacent buildings to the district office. Each day they gave talks on common natural remedies, nutrition, hydrotherapy demonstrations, and gave treatments to the dozens of people who came with various maladies. The theology students helped with demonstrations and giving treatments. One of the more pathetic cases was old Tadeo. Here is what Cyrus related about his history.
Tadeo is in his late 60s or early 70s. He has had a wound on his leg for over 40 years.
Tadeo was one day working in [his] garden when he got bruised or cut by the elephant grass. He thought the bruise or wound would heal fast. The wound kept growing and growing round the leg. He used all available medications and they amounted to nothing. He was sent to the country referral hospital for diagnosis and further management. It was discovered that he didn’t have cancer, it was just a stubborn wound.
Tadeo was attending church and was a regular member of the Seventh-day Adventist Church. He always attended church services regularly but the wound kept growing. The wound was painful and presented an unpleasant odor. He couldn’t afford to attend church anymore because he wasn’t feeling well and felt uncomfortable with the wound at church. With the odor there were flies that added to the discomfort.
After spending many years with the wound and with no hope of recovery, Tadeo got to learn that there was a [health] crusade at Zirobwe village and that some of the visitors helped someone with a wound that was not healing. So he purposed to come and see for himself.
On arrival, I couldn’t [bring myself] to touch Tadeo. It was so scared. But Brother John went on and initiated the treatment. Later I got courage and together Halima [an RN] and I offered to do the charcoal treatments. We soaked the leg in a bucket of water for an hour and later did a poultice to be removed the next day. Before this treatment, Tadeo always had very little sleep because of the pain he experienced every night from the wound.
The next day Tadeo came back, looking happy and said that he had been able to sleep like never before. There were observable signs of healing at this time. We let Sister Mary do the poultice to Tadeo and sent him home again.
This was close to the end of our program in Zirobwe. So later, when the program ended, Sister Mary kept up the good work.
Sister Mary was a theology student at Bugema, so she was not able to visit regularly to offer treatments to Tadeo. She visited only twice and was limited by the transportation fairs. She later requested the university to have Tadeo brought to the university hospital where he could be offered treatments regularly. The University agreed.
So Tadeo was brought to the university dispensary, where he received wound dressings or poultices with charcoal. He was given food and moringa powder [ground leaves from the moringa tree – another powerful natural remedy]. It took him only about three weeks to heal completely of the wound*. But in two weeks it had closed up.
Tadeo was happy to renew his relationship with God and thankful that God had not forgotten him, but He sent him healing.
Tadeo is happy to attend church services regularly and to tell other people about how God heals through simple things.
Sister Mary was surprised about the amazing work of natural remedies. She is back to Tanzania and wishes to establish a wellness center there. She wants us to go and train her people and help her to start.
May God continue to bless brother John and family for the wonderful work of redirecting people back to God through the healing business.
Cyrus Jjita
Tadeo’s 40-years of suffering is another case in point that the efficacy of antibiotics has become almost totally ineffective, and has instead created Superbugs. Tadeo’s condition had deteriorated so badly for so long that his family had abandoned him and his wife in their hovel. Their living conditions truly were pathetic even by local standards. But God’s hand is not shortened, and in His providence and in His time, prayers were answered. From that one case how many other hundreds of people have found help through the witness of natural remedies – simple hydrotherapy, charcoal poultices, moringa, and of course PRAYER?
*By “healing completely” Cyrus means, healing over of the entire wound site, the absence of any infection, and the absence of any offensive odor. Years of scarring will require diligent maintenance care to see any degree of normal appearance to that area of the leg.
It is well to note that Tadeo’s sad experience was made more tragic due to the terrible odor that is so common with many kinds of wounds, even those much less invasive than Tadeo’s. The social stigma because of the odor becomes just one more bitter insult to an already broken spirit.
Charcoal powder applied directly into open wounds, as in the video, or applied in a poultice will often bring the odor under control within minutes. This is a big plus to healthcare workers and of course family and friends are again able to visit without being overcome with nausea from the stench of decaying flesh.
Some circumstances do not allow or require using a poultice, and the charcoal can be applied directly to the wound. As healing progresses, the healthy tissue starts from the outside and throws off any residual charcoal or debris.
Finally, a reminder, drugs do NOT cure disease. And in the above case, charcoal is not doing the healing either. Charcoal is neutralizing the toxins produced by the microbes that cause the tissue destruction. Once the microbial toxins [endo and exo], along with the cytokines, have been brought under control, the body then has sufficient resources to overpower the microbe and heal itself as the Creator designed it to.

John Dinsley
Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.