Your Activated Charcoal Stories 2020
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From: Vincent
Sent: Saturday, June 20, 2020 10:52 AM
Subject: Question Have you heard of charcoal being used for gout? Would taking charcoal reduce the uric acid in the body that causes the problem?
On Tue, Jun 23, 2020 at 11:19 AM info CHARCOALREMEDIES.COM <> wrote:
Hi Vin,
Thank you for your question. Please follow the link below for more information about how activated charcoal can used to help with gout: is our sister website that has a wealth of testimonies and is a great reference for other health issues as well. You may also enjoy reading our online newsletter Charcoal Times:
From: Vincent
Sent: Tuesday, June 23, 2020 9:31 AM
Subject: Re: Question Thanks for the reply.
I read years ago and forgot there was anything in there about gout. I decided to try it anyway before your response. I used a heaping spoon of charcoal powder in water once a day for three days and was able to stop using ibuprofen and ice very quickly. My toe feels almost normal now. Very effective.
How to Quit Heroin the Easy Way Without Methadone.
OK, it’s not that easy, but I quit without going through those gnarly withdrawals. So you’re going to say I wasn’t really addicted, right? I was an everyday user for over a year. I was using up to ¾ gram of heroin a day (which is a lot). This was the culmination of a three-year downward spiral from weekend-warrior user to daily user. Once I was in the everyday cycle, I would not go to work unless I could get high in the morning. I would call in sick if I couldn’t get high. I had a job with great benefits and had tons of sick days stored up. Although the sick days were part of my benefit package, my supervisors started to look at me a little odd as I was calling in sick at least once every two weeks. My normal routine when I could afford dope went as follows: I would wake at dawn and shoot up so I could make it to work. Then I would get high again at lunch, and then I’d be partying with my junkie roommates until we passed out every night that we could afford to get high. I was as addicted as any junkie.The way I quit was simple, though not easy by any means. So here is what I did. After moving away from my roommates to another city to stay with my parents, cutting myself off from all junkie friends, I started taking large doses of activated charcoal every day. This was because I had heard somewhere, whether true or false, that the reason addicts suffer from withdrawals is because heroin is in their bloodstream. I knew that activated charcoal cleanses the blood because my mom is heavily into natural remedies. And many times before quitting, when I didn’t have enough money to get high, I would go to a health food store and write a bad check for activated charcoal. I had taken as many as 50 capsules in one dosage to keep the joneses away. It always worked, but also left me extremely fatigued.
So when I decided to make this life-altering decision to quit, of course I utilized activated charcoal to keep from having withdrawals. I’m sure few people will believe me, but I did not have any withdrawals. I still felt miserable for a month, so it wasn’t a walk in the park.
This was almost 20 years ago and there still doesn’t appear to be much info about using this method to quit out there. A friend of mine who is heavy into Alcoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous says the gatekeepers of recovery want you to feel the pain. I definitely felt a lot of pain while quitting, I just didn’t get dope-sick. Those gatekeepers should know that you can die from quitting cold-turkey and furthermore, that methadone sucks. The only thing good about methadone is that you feel normal, however, you still look like an addict and you in fact are still an addict if you are on the methadone program. The three-week methadone recovery route is a joke, I tried that at least three times in one year and usually it saved me a little money because I could make it through the workday without spending money on H, then I could party at night. And don’t even get me started on the methadone-maintenance program. I visited a friend from my junkie days seven years after I had quit, and he was going down to the methadone clinic every morning for his dose and probably still is these days.
August 2020
We reached out to Tim to find out exactly how much charcoal he was taking. Here’s his response:
“To the best of my recollection, I was taking 1250 mg or more of charcoal per day for about five days which took me past the withdrawal stage. During those days, if I started to have withdrawals, I would take a handful of what I believe were 250 mg capsules. I can’t remember how many times a day I did that though. I would just take the charcoal if I started to have withdrawals. Previously, while I was still using [heroin], and on the occasion that I couldn’t buy heroin, I had taken at least ten of those 250 mg capsules.”
Dogs – Snakebites & Foxtail
Rattlesnake bite on Dog
I can tell you that three times I have given charcoal to 3 separate dogs that were bitten by a rattlesnake. In all three cases the dog’s neck or face was swollen. I gave a charcoal slurry drink with a little flavor in it. The most recent was about 2 months ago. I gave it to him within an hour of the bite and his swelling was almost completely gone. I had also smeared it on the wound on the upper lip. All 3 dogs were given no other treatment.
Foxtail Dog Abscess
Hello again John,
Yes you have my permission to share the story about the snakebites. The most recent one was so amazing how quickly he recovered.
After I wrote that to you the same dog got an abscess in his mouth from a foxtail. We didn’t know what his problem was and thought he had been poisoned. He was walking slow, turning his head to the right. He wouldn’t eat and his left eye was a little swollen and the pink skin was beginning to cover the eye. We couldn’t take him to a vet that evening so I gave him some charcoal to take care of the poison. The next day the vet diagnosed his problem, sedated him and
found the foxtail. When we got home we read your advice about a charcoal eyewash. We’ve done 3 treatments so far and put some charcoal in liquid on his food. The swelling is going down around his eye and he is much improved. Pain is reduced and he is so much happier. All this within 48 hours.
We could have used drugs but charcoal is so much safer.
August, 2020
So… I had a toothache, and it was HORRIBLE. I’d just had dental work done maybe a month before, and for some reason, the tooth next to my wisdom tooth was in extreme pain. It got to the point where I could not sleep. THEN, I found a remedy that worked.
This was about ten months ago, and to this day, things are doing well. Hopefully it stays that way. That said, I will share the remedies that I tried, and what worked and didn’t work.
The first remedy that I tried was the one nearest at hand. Ice. I loaded a ziplock bag full, and it helped. To a point. I hopped out of the car, jetted into CVS, and picked up a product that I later realized was clove oil. A Youtuber recommended it and the folks in the comments concurred.
Anyway, applied the clove oil, and what do you know! Relief. However, it was short lived. Two days later, clove oil would do NOTHING for me. AAAHHGHHHHH. This tooth needed removal. I priced the local dentists. $300 for one tooth. I decided to bite the bullet. The pain was unbearable. Pulled up to the dentist, and waited my turn. Just then, a friend called. I picked up and mentioned my predicament.
“Have you tried coconut oil?” EH? No. “Nah bro, this thing just needs out, and ASAP. No time to waste on natural remedies.” Just then the clerk stated that I’d have to come back tomorrow. OK, time to try natural remedies. Bought a jar of the oil and scooped a chunk onto my tooth.
I don’t recall if the pain went away instantly. All I know is the pain went away. It definitely was gone the next day. For the next week, I oil pulled religiously. Twenty minutes a day, twice a day. I even watched a BBC documentaries about Oil pulling in Korea, or some other Asian country, maybe it was Japan. Even ran into some medical studies from India explaining how oil pulling works.
Anyway, it has been almost a year, and the only other dental problem that I’ve had since was an abscess that was in the same vicinity as the problem tooth. In that instance, I just shoveled about a half teaspoon worth of Hardwood Activated Charcoal Powder back there and would sleep with that. The abscess went away in short order… Maybe a day or two later. I still do coconut oil pulling maybe once a month. Or if it feels like something could be coming on. Other than that, my maintenance program has downgraded to brushing with charcoal toothpaste. I tried Magic Mud years ago, this is my current go to. Similar experience and flavor to regular toothpaste, and other than that, I’ve been pain free. Hoping things stay that way.
September, 2020