Those of you who would like to contribute an experience (positive or negative), please Contact Us
Injured Horse

Another of our recent testimonies is of a young girl’s severely injured older horse—a badly infected and deep laceration below the front fetlock. After a couple weeks of vet visits and lots of antibiotics the vet felt it was time to put the horse down. The day before “D” day the grand parents of the girl asked us if charcoal might work. I went over with charcoal powder and flax and showed them how to make a poultice. They applied it, changed it regularly, and asked God to bless their efforts. Two days later the wound opened up and drained a mass of putrid green pus, and the wound began to mend. The vet could not believe the horse could recover and drove out to see for himself. God answered the combination of science and faith and the family are new converts to the wonders of charcoal. They continue to dress the wound as the horse slowly heals. John Nebraska November 2007
Jeremy is a Physician Assistant but also trained for several years in natural medicine. He writes of a recent experience he and his wife had.
“I am writing regarding an experience we had with activated charcoal and an abscess. My wife had what appeared to be a small cyst in her left auxiliary (armpit) region for several days and it kept getting bigger, more painful and more erythematous (red and inflamed). She had no fevers, chills, malaise or night sweats and no streaking was seen radiating out from what we thought to be a cyst. The pain increased and was to the point of not allowing her left arm to comfortably rest by her side – I could not even lightly touch it without causing her a lot of pain. It grew to the size of a golf ball and looked as if it was coming to a head. By this time I began to think we might be dealing with an abscess.
Activated charcoal was the first thing that came to my mind in the form of a poultice that might bring this through the skin more effectively and allow it to drain.
I mixed activated charcoal with ground flaxseed in no ‘special’ ratio, but simply made a paste with it that would stay on the gauze and not be runny. I taped the poultice down over top of the abscess and left it on overnight.
The next morning when the poultice was taken off the abscess appeared to have a thinner wall in one area. The erythema (redness and inflammation) was virtually gone and the pain was completely gone. My wife very gently squeezed the lump and it burst open and released large amounts of pus. She continued to expel the material until nothing more came out.
We cleaned the area well, dressed it with gauze. She could now rest her arm by her side and had no pain. By the next morning the swelling had decreased to about ¼ inch in diameter and finally disappeared several days later.
Without question, a poultice of activated charcoal holds tremendous value for post-surgical patients as well.”
All the Best,
North CarolinaNovember 2007
Colic Calm #1

Our son was born full term but shortly after birth he was diagnosed with a Phneumothorax (hole in the lung). He was admitted to the NICU where he received treatment for the condition. He left the NICU and headed home with a clean bill of health except for some digestion issues which the neonatologists felt would resolve on their own.
After bringing him home we knew something was still wrong as he cried excessively for hours on end, often all day long. We at first thought it was colic. At 4 weeks old he was diagnosed with being allergic to regular infant formulas and milk protein. We’ve tried every formula on the market and finally settled on one that “worked” the best for him after all others were ruled out. When he has particularly bad crying spells and is very uncomfortable we bring out the Colic Calm. Within 5 minutes he usually improves and is often smiling again. As soon as we administer it he quiets as he loves the taste of it! We consulted our pediatrician and even the pediatric nutritionist about using Colic Calm and both told us it was safe and OK to use. Our son does not have typical colic but we’ve quickly realized what a wonderful product Colic Calm is as it helps alleviate his discomfort that the allergic reaction causes him. Thank you Colic Calm for a product that really does work, and thank you Kimberly for your top-notch customer service!
Adam’s Mom October 2007 Minnesota
Needle Abscess
Br. Daniels related this story with us after a Seminar we conducted recently in New York:”My mother is aged and diabetic. She stepped on a needle and developed an infection on the bottom of her left foot. At one point she was hospitalized. They would give her antibiotics. The wound would begin to heal and then become reinfected again. When I went to visit I began a treatment of charcoal poultices, a simple cleansing diet (including dandelion tea and soybean tea). In 4 days she was able to put her shoe back on!”
Colic #2
Another happy Mother writes: “As soon as I brought my baby boy home it all started, the constant crying, bringing his legs up in pain, and he would not sleep more than 1 hour straight. I was getting no sleep. My doctor said he had colic and that I should just wait the 3 months out and it will be better then. But I bought everything possible from special colic formula to special colic bottles. Nothing worked until I found Colic Calm.
My goodness what a product. I gave this to my son when he was about 6 weeks old. Pretty much straight away I noticed a difference. I was giving him the maximum dose recommended. He is now 3 months and I still give him the Colic Calm only one dose with his night bottle. It helps to bring his wind up more and I believe it really settles him. Colic Calm really got me through those tough weeks so thank you very much.
September 2007
Severe Diarrhea – Georgia’s Story
For very stubborn cases of diarrhea we recommend a charcoal poultice over the abdomen in place of taking charcoal internally. Here is a recent testimony of how a charcoal poultice helped in one case of severe diarrhea. Read Georgia’s Story. Georgia September 2007 Florida
Brown Recluse Spider (BRS) Bite

Giorgio, age 52, gave us permission to post his experience. While visiting the Turks and Caicos Islands, he was bitten by a BRS. For over a week he spent more than five hours a day trying to find out all he could about his spider bite. During that time he took antibiotics as a precaution against infection, but was not too sure how well it worked. Here is what he wrote to his doctor:
“For the venom I started to use since 4/5 days a product that is NOT a drug (BROWN RECLUSE FIRST AID KIT), but works in a different way, “sucking ” the venom through the skin. It is activated charcoal in powder, I put on the lesion every one/two hours and I have to say that it worked very well, reducing the inflammation in both spots where I have the problem. The first spot is next to my hand, where the terrible spider has bitten me 10 days ago, the second I believe is a lymph node 20 centimeters from the original bite and started to swallow more and more after 3 days from the bite. That’s the reason why I finally went to see a doctor (I was in the Caribbean area, Turks and Caicos); it was last Saturday and that doctor told me that was not a mosquito, as I thought, but the Brown Recluse. Despite that, he admitted that he had no clue how to heal it, but that probably it would have gone better after some weeks, and to take the antibiotic!… The true is that he didn’t know because those spiders are anyway very unusual on those islands….
There are of course other lymph nodes that are harder and bigger then normal between the bite site and the big lymph node I am telling you about, but they don’t look that bad, and are not painful – just a little – . That enlarged lymph node became very painful till 2 days ago, when it also started to ulcerate a little and so I started to put my black powder on it and on that area with good results – no more big pain – but still is red all around. I think that the activated charcoal works well anyway, trying to get the venom outside through the skin, but the small capillaries remain closed ’cause of the action of venom and you don’t get oxygen to the tissue!!!”
Following the suggestion of a doctor Burton Giorgio he sprayed the affected areas with nitroglycerine.
“After spraying the nitroglycerin I used to put also the charcoal and I have to say that finally things went OK, after a couple of more weeks. I DO believe that the charcoal helped a lot and it is the first real remedy that I found effective to fight against the bite. I would definitely suggest it to whom has the bad chance to experience the same problem. After more then six months from the bite I have just a small scarring surrounded by a slightly darker pigmentation, both where I was bitten and where I had the enlarged lymph node.” Giorgio Czech Republic August 2006
See his Pictures
Hi, I am writing to say thank you for a great talk a couple of weeks ago. I spoke with you about my terrible GI appointment and you were of great help. I have been taking charcoal for about three weeks now and am really feeling better. I hope that better reports will follow. In the mean time, I have told my family about it as many of us have Celiac and are greatly appreciative of this as a remedy for getting ‘glutened’. Thanks Jessica August 2007
Colic #3
One of our popular products is Colic Calm® for babies. Another satisfied mother writes, “Thank you so much for keeping track of it [the package]. I bet it will arrive tomorrow. I should have ordered it sooner. The remedy is wonderful and I miss it, I have recommended your website to many of my friends with babies. I have also decided that it is going to always be part of any baby shower gift I give. Have a wonderful weekend!!” Tracy California July 2007
Colic #4
Dear Kimberly, thank you for sending me the Colic Calm which arrived safely and my baby loves. It is helping her so much with the acid reflux and it is lovely to see her smiling and giggling instead of screaming in pain…
Many thanks Fiona England
Breast Cancer
I came across this testimony on the breast cancer discussion page on
“One day, ms. Jo, my co-employee, married and has 4 kids, didn’t report for work and it took how many days before she was able to report again. When she reported, she confessed that she was positive for malignant breast cancer. The doctor advised her to totally remove her right breast to prevent the spreading of cancer cells. However, she refused to do so. Instead she resorted to the healing power of CHARCOAL. She applied charcoal powder over her breast for about 3 months, four times a day. At the same time, she drank 1 tablespoon of charcoal mixed in a glass of lukewarm water for 3 months, 4 times a day. After that process, she was examined again by the doctor and the latter found that there were no longer [any] traces of cancer cells. Isn’t that a miracle!!! Well, prayers count a lot too. I think she has the book that tells everything about the HEALING POWER OF CHARCOAL. Do you have similar stories to tell about how to fight Breast Cancer?
Charcoal really works!! Even for other types of diseases. In fact, my immediate supervisor in the office is another living testimony of its wonders. His liver abscess was cured in three months time.”
Philippines, 2007
Letter from Nigeria
Message: “I was surprised to actually come across your site after I read a thread on my blog about the healing powers of charcoal I will love to be involved with your work later on as I will try to figure how it can be publicized here in Nigeria. Keep on the good work. If you have any idea on how it can be publicized here let me know. Thanks”DavidNigeriaJuly 2007 We would like to remind our readers that we do accept Seminar invitations Worldwide. Please view our Public Presentations page for upcoming programs.
Poisoned Well
Yes, charcoal is a wonderful God-sent remedy for people everywhere. Recently we had an email from a missionary in Benin, West Africa. “I received the book as a gift and I have read the whole thing and found out many uses for it. I have been using and teaching the use of powdered charcoal in Benin W. Africa for the past eight years, but this book clicked in my brain to help me fix the water in my well. Something had fallen in and died and the smell was bad… I had thought about using powered charcoal in it but decided that would be very messy, but then in the book it talked about someone who wanted sweet tasting water and they put in a chunk of charcoal… Then I remembered I had a huge bag of charcoal chunks outside, so I went and threw in several large handfuls of charcoal and within ten minutes the smell was noticeably better, and by evening it didn’t smell at all.
I have many stories about powered charcoal (I call it that because it is homemade and not activated) using it on badly infected wounds, for hepatitis, for inflamed pericardium, for many internal uses and poisonings, and the such. No room to tell it all here.”
Suzy Benin W. Africa July 2007
We contacted Suzy and she gladly shared several touching stories. Please click here to read more.
Drug Poisoning
Our friend Martha called while visiting down in Mexico to share her latest ‘charcoal’ story. Martha is staying at a lovely ocean front hotel and one evening hurriedly walked in smiling and saying hi to the young man at the registration desk. As she breezed past him, she realized she wanted to ask him a question and so went back. She immediately noticed that he was acting ill and quickly asked “Joel, what is wrong?” To which Joel replied in broken English, “I don’t feel good and my head even feels weird.”
Martha suspected an allergic reaction or some sort of food poisoning. Joel, said no, he hadn’t eaten anything out of the ordinary. “Stay right there Joel, I will be right down,” Martha told him and quickly reappeared with her bottle of charcoal capsules. She had Joel take six capsules and then sat there with him for a while, still questioning him as to what he had eaten. Joel was adamant that he had not eaten anything strange and that the only thing he had to drink was a Coke that one of the hotel’s guests had given him.
He thanked Martha for her help and concern and called a friend to take him home. Later on in the evening his friend suggested to go to the hospital to be on the safe side. It was there that they learned, after taking a blood test, that someone had slipped Joel a very high dose of a schizophrenic drug! The doctor attending him told him, that if he had not taken the charcoal, when he did, he would have died!!
Joel now thinks Martha walks on water and can’t seem to do enough for her. For obvious reasons he is extremely grateful that Martha never travels without her charcoal. Nor should you. Even if you might not need the charcoal you never know who will and you will never regret having it with you. Martha Mexico April 2007
Activated charcoal is known to adsorb many common drugs and poisons thus neutralizing their toxic effects.
Autism & Constipation
Jeremy is about 5 years old and suffers from autism and chronic constipation. His mother Evangelina contacted us and asked if charcoal might help with his constipation. While charcoal does work as a laxative for some, for others it is binding and aggravates their constipation. For this reason we suggested a few simple changes along with charcoal gray water*. The results came quickly:
“Jeremy has again made poopy last night and the previous night. It is very exciting. We are trying to get used to the grainy charcoal. So far, so good.”
* Evangelina writes: “Dear Kimberly, I took your advice and started making Jeremy sit on the potty every morning and evening. To my surprise, almost every day he has been making poopy at least once a day (as opposed to one time every 2 weeks). I got him a soft potty seat because the regular seat it too big. I also got him a stool where he puts his feet. He is in a squatting position. I have started using the charcoal (for myself) today. It is quite messy and sticks to the hands. I tried brushing my teeth and it works very well. Last night, I finished reading John¹s book. I am so excited about using charcoal. Angelina Minnesota
For further suggestions on how to alleviate constipation go to Diverticulitis
Copperhead Snake Bite

Steve and his wife Vlatka have traveled and worked in many different countries conducting organic gardening seminars. They are also veteran charcoal users and charcoal is one thing they always make sure to include with their luggage. Whether for themselves or for the local they often choose charcoal for GI problems, insect bites, and infections. When they are not on the road home is West Virginia. Two recent painful experiences included a hornet sting and a copperhead snake bite. “The hornet stung me in my eyebrow. I applied charcoal for 5-10 minutes pain which took care of the pain, but the pain came back and I had to reapply the charcoal several times. As for the copperhead, it was medium sized and I felt confident we could treat is easily with charcoal. Well, I have a new respect for snake bites – it was very painful. The charcoal did help but still it was still very painful. I was bit on a finger. I had heard about electric shock treatments for snake bites so I first tried that. I pulled the spark plug wire off the lawnmower and cranked the motor a few times zapping the bite. It didn’t seem to help that much. It was about ten minutes after being bit that I started charcoal. I mixed it with water and mud and spread it up my arm which by then was is a lot of pain. We changed the charcoal pack every five to ten minutes. The charcoal did help with the pain but not as effectively as I would have liked. I could not bring my arm down to my side for days. I had to sleep with my arm propped up.”
Steve West Virginia April 2007
Why did Steve choose not go to the hospital? He reminded me that 50% of those who go to hospital for antivenom are allergic, whereas he knew he did not have to worry about negative side effects from using charcoal. Still, we feel it would be prudent to immediately begin applying charcoal directly to the bite site, as well as taking charcoal internally, as you are getting the victim ready to transport to a hospital – if one is readily available.
Shattered Knee
Josepha is 66 years old and has a shattered knee due to a car accident some 17 years ago. She decided to try the Greenyarn knee guards to see if they would help. She writes: “I had my first shipment of knee guard a couple months ago and I use it everyday on my right knee because it gives me good support and warmness that it needs. The other knee guard I shared with a friend. Her problem is it is too tight and as I understood you only have one size? It works perfectly on me and it lessens the pain and gives excellent support when I walk.
I do bookkeeping and most of the time it is sitting down at computer work the whole day. I pull it down below my knee while I am working, then pull it up and place it on the middle of my kneecap which gives good support when I stand to walk. This is the reason why I bought the second pair. I want to share this with my Mom who is now 85 years old living in the Philippines. I will give you update how she likes it because I will be bringing her one later this year”
Josepha April, 2007
Chalazion—eyelid infection
Linda is a full time mother and nurse and has been experimenting with charcoal. “The charcoal eye poultice I bought for two reasons: one is that the pituitary gland is behind the eyes, so I thought maybe my lack of cycles (they never came back since I gave birth) is an endocrine problem…and maybe charcoal would help? Worth a try, I thought. I will also try a poultice over the liver as you suggested. Also, over the summer I had an eyelid infection (chalazion). Doctor said there is no specific treatment, and that it probably would never go away completely, and could be chronic.
I sewed some charcoal into an eye mask, used it for sleeping, and guess what… no more bump on my eyelid. It seems to be really gone! What an amazing miracle! The doctor was surprised, too. So I thought I would use eye poultices from time to time to keep the chalazion from coming back.
Linda Nova Scotia, Canada January 2007
To find out more how charcoal can help you treat indigestion, heartburn, acid reflux and many other common ailments, simply and naturally, right in your home, order the book now.