Charcoal and Chemical Biological Warfare
Why is activated charcoal cloth used in some military wound dressings?
Why is activated charcoal included in some military first aid kits?
Why is activated charcoal used in military combat gear?
Why is activated charcoal used in military gas masks?
Why is activated charcoal used in HAZMAT suits?
Why, because Charcoal works to remove thousands of biological, chemical, nuclear, and man-made toxins.
Today our world is engaged in chemical biological warfare. I am not referring to the arsenal of deadly agents being funded by military budgets around the world. I am not referring primarily to Fortune 500 Chemical and Pharmaceutical companies and their seemingly endless train of deadly concoctions. I am speaking about the invisible enemy floating in the breeze, hiding in the dark damp corners of our homes, lingering on countertops, hitching around on our hands, in fact everywhere present in our unsterile world. I am talking about MICROBES. Yes, those microscopic germs that account for the bulk of this world’s misery, suffering and death. This post deals with how Charcoal has been playing an aggressive role for thousands of years in combating the lethal arsenal of toxins that these invisible microbes excrete into our bodies.
First, Microbe is short for “Micro-organism”. The major groups of microorganisms are bacteria, archaebacteria, some fungi (yeasts and molds), algae, protozoa [microscopically tiny animals], protists, prions, AND viruses.
How does Activated Charcoal respond to the different Microbes?
Three thousand years ago Egyptian doctors used charcoal to treat deadly anthrax [a bacteria]. In 1856, the Edinburgh Medical Journal carried an article by Dr Wilson who testified how therapeutically successful charcoal was in epidemics of measles [a virus] and cholera [a bacteria]. The doctor also related a personal experience during a Yellow Fever [a virus] outbreak in northern Africa. Simple charcoal prevented his case from progressing beyond the benign first stage, while the large majority of cases ended in death, because he was not able to convince the sick to experiment with his black remedy.
Today, research has shown activated charcoal can mitigate the effects of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease [a virus], it can effectively adsorb the exo/endo toxins produced by the bacteria Diphtheria, Tetanus, and Tuberculosis [highest cause of mortality in the world]. Activated charcoal has been shown to neutralize the exotoxins released by Vibrio cholerae [a bacteria that causes cholera – #12 deadliest disease] and Escherichia coli [a strain of bacteria associated with food poisoning]. Clostridium botulinum [a bacteria] releases the neurotoxin associated with Botulism. Malaria [a protozoan parasite] is the fifth highest cause of death worldwide. It first penetrates and inhabits liver cells, poisons them, rapidly multiplies, and then uses the outer layer of liver cells to slip by the body’s defenses as it spreads throughout the body including the brain. Again, research has shown charcoal is very effective in combating cerebral malaria.
Hepatitis A, B, C, D, E [all viruses] all affect the function of the liver. The liver is the body’s largest blood filter. Anything [including infant jaundice or alcohol] that impacts the liver’s ability to process blood can quickly deteriorate into a life-threatening problem called cirrhosis. Liver dialysis machines were developed to aid in severe cases of cirrhosis, where the liver is no longer able to filter the build-up of toxins from the blood – toxins from normal metabolism, as well as toxins from various diseases including Hepatitis and cancers. If activated charcoal is used in dialysis machines to filter out toxins from the blood because the liver is no longer able to, it does not require a degree in biochemistry to expect charcoal taken by mouth, at the first signs of invasion, to help prevent or slow the damage done by some microbial antigens*.
Years ago, while exhibiting at a trade show, a man introduced himself to us as a nurse in the emergency ward at a large metropolitan hospital. He confirmed that the clinic used charcoal on a daily basis for accidental drug overdose, attempted suicide, and food poisoning. He also shared that, at the very first symptoms of a flu [scratchy throat, sinus or lung congestion, and fever], he gave himself, his wife and children a good dose [???] of charcoal powder stirred into a glass of water. “It knocked it right out!” and they were saved from another seasonal flu.
As mentioned, many diseases common around the world get their kick start with invisible microbes that invade the body and begin their terrorist activities. The mode of attack is chemical warfare. Each microbe produces its own unique toxic antigen* that triggers a specific body response. These include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, fever, congestion, inflammation, pain, lesions, and more. When you vomit, the body is telling you there is something toxic or irritating in the stomach and the body wants to get rid of it. The same is true with diarrhea. The lower bowl wants to waste the poison. The other reactions to the toxins are nature’s way of trying to isolate the toxin from further poisoning the delicate body machinery.
These toxins promote infection and disease by directly damaging body tissue and more importantly, by disabling the body’s immune system – its detection technology, as well as ‘first responders’, ‘national guard’, and ‘homeland security’. No wonder then that militaries around the world have been grooming and arming their own invisible army of microbiotic terrorists.
Bacteria release both exo-toxins and endo-toxins – their chemical warfare agents. Exo-toxins are primarily secreted by living bacteria, but are also released when killed. Endo-toxins are in the cell membrane and are released when gram-negative bacteria are killed by the body’s white blood cells – the body’s rapid response SWAT team. Both exo and endo-toxins are responsible for a whole host of disease conditions or symptoms.
Viruses act as if there is no benefit in outright killing its host. They seem to prefer to invade the host, bloom, and then overwhelm its defenses. But some viruses do produce toxic proteins as with Ebola, which punch holes in the cell walls, making it easier for its ‘SWAT’ team to make its own doors. Viruses can also encode bacterial toxins and inject them.
The calculated strategy of these microscopic invisible enemies seems beyond ingenious. They obey their orders. They are programmed like guided missiles.
Here is a simplified diagram of Microbial warfare and one body response – the fever mechanism as one part of the body’s immune response.
· Microbe secrete exo-toxins – antigens
· Microbe invades or kills host cell
· Replicates itself and re-infects the body
· Body response to antigen — produce antibodies
· Antibodies trigger fever mechanism
· Body response to increased body temperature
o increased breathing
§ increased oxygenation of blood
§ change in blood pH – very slight, but enough to make it unpleasant for foreign microbes
§ increased heart rate
· increase blood flow
o increased production of White Blood Cells in flat bones
o increased blood circulation to skin to radiate heat
o increased exposure to fixed macrophage in the skin
o increased destruction of microbes
As we can see a fever is the body’s natural offensive reaction to a microbial invasion. A fever is very beneficial IF it can be controlled. That is where hydrotherapy comes in – to keep the fever from becoming too high, and breaking the fever when it has done its job.
There are more body responses to microbes than we can outline here, but one more we should mention is the production of Cytokines. Cytokines are crucial for fighting off infections and in other immune responses. But like a fever, they can quickly get out of control producing a cascade of events that can prove deadly, such as sepsis [blood poisoning], and pandemics.
These Cytokine “storms” are also suspected to be the main cause of death in the 1918 “Spanish Flu”. Paradoxically, in that global pandemic, deaths occurred largely among young adults with healthy immune systems. It has been suggested the stronger immune responses produced dramatic increases in cytokine levels, which turned into mad dogs.
Activated Charcoal has long been a powerful agent in regulating cytokine levels. It is far more effective than antibiotics in treating the poison of inflammation that too often can lead to gangrene, sepsis, blood poisoning.
Vaccines or Lifestyle
Over the past 50 years more and more research has come forward exposing the many lethal side-effects of vaccines, and their largely ineffectiveness. For example, Canada conducted a 15-year vaccine campaign to eradicate the common flu. It was good for the vaccine manufacturers, but useless in reducing the global death toll – 225,000 to 500,000.
The volume of death and injury lawsuits against vaccine companies prompted the Reagan administration to pass laws protecting Drug companies from litigation, and setting up a federal agency [National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program – 1986] to financially compensate successful litigants in place of the Drug companies.
It needs to be clarified that like all drugs, vaccines DO NOT cure any disease or disease condition. They are all chemically concocted in one fashion or another to create a dramatic response by the body. Adjuvants in vaccines are a cocktail of toxic compounds and stimulants engineered to elicit a powerful offensive reaction by the body. Instead of a self-moderated immune response by the body to some pathogen, the immune system is fired up for a major battle that looks more like carpet bombing. The collateral damage can be lifelong. Nevertheless, IF there is a favorable outcome, it is not the toxic vaccine that did the healing, it is the body’s whipped up and exhausted immune system that finally overcame the pathogen.
Masks and Microbes
Microbes average about 1 micron in size. So, when you are looking to filter most microbes you want a fabric that can remove down to 0.1 microns. The N95 masks stop about 95% of very small [0.3 micron] microbes.
Masks that use Activated Carbon Cloth often have a prefilter that meets HEPA standards for filtration [99.97% removal down to 0.3 microns]. The main benefit is that the activated carbon cloth has been shown to bind these small microbes to it surface. If the masks are further impregnated with silver, the microbes are killed, and any exo/endo toxins that may be released are adsorbed by the carbon fabric.
It is no surprise then that activated charcoal is used in a number of military medical applications from breathing masks, to wound dressings, and as toxic antidotes.
What other natural, simple, healthy alternatives are available for treating viral diseases?
My 8 Doctors
· Nutrition
o Focus on a plant-based menu.
o Eliminate refined carbohydrates – sugars, white flour, white rice…
o Choose whole grains.
o Avoid dairy products which are mucous forming and contribute to underlying lung congestion/inflammation.
o …
· Exercise
o Enough to get you breathing deeply.
o Increases blood circulation.
o Balances blood sugar.
o Pumps the immune system.
o …
· Water
o Inside – 8 glasses of pure water or herbal teas.
o Outside – baths and hydrotherapy.
· Sunshine
o Wakes you UP!
o Increases Vitamin D.
o Reduces stressors.
o Kills deadly yeasts and molds.
o …
· Air
o Fresh air is food for healthy lungs as well as sick lungs.
o Oxygenates the blood – “The Life is in the blood”. Leviticus 17:11
o A vital factor in mobilizing the immune system.
o …
· Rest
o 90% of growth happens when a baby is sleeping.
o 90% of body repair happens when grampa is sleeping.
o Quiet reflection – the calmer the waters, the more perfect the reflection.
o Thanksgiving – “A merry heart doeth good like a [natural] medicine” Proverbs 17:22
o …
· Temperance and Self Control
o Eliminate all alcohol, tobacco, caffeine, and other drugs
o Every good thing in moderation
· Trust in God
o “Casting all your care upon Him, for He careth for YOU” 1 Peter 5:7
o “The blessing [natural remedy] of the Lord, it maketh rich, and He addeth no sorrow with it”. [that is, no dire negative side effects] Proverbs 10:23
o …
Natural Remedies for family of flu-like diseases.
· Charcoal – 1 Tablespoon of powder in glass of water/herbal tea – at very outset of any symptoms. Daily until symptoms pass.
· Hydrotherapy to help initiate immune response and decongest sinuses and lungs
o Steam inhalation
o Heating compress
o Hot Foot Bath
· Garlic – decongestant
· Fenegreek herbal tea – decongestant
Guardians of Our Health [GOH]
We could only wish all the stakeholders in the Healthcare Industry were zealous defenders of our health. But the Healthcare Industry is big business. It is not a charitable organization. As one HMO executive reported to the Wall Street Journal [June 18,1997], “We see people as numbers, not patients. It’s easier to make a decision. Just like Ford, we’re a mass production assembly line and there is no room for the human equation in the bottom line. Profits are king.”
We all remember when the earthquake struck Japan in 2011, the resulting Tsunami, and the ensuing nuclear power plant nightmare. But do you ever remember hearing that the #1 antidote for radioactive poisoning is …? Yes, Activated Charcoal! But not just any activated charcoal. To be specific, Activated Charcoal made from Coconut Shell.
So, as you tune into the latest media alarm [SWINE FLU, SARS, Flesh-eating Strep infection, MRSA, CJD, Lyme’s, Ebola, Measles, COVID-19…], take a deep breath of fresh oxygen-rich country air, and try to carefully, prayerfully think things through. If you believe your God loves you, then wouldn’t He provide some remedy that even the poorest could afford, without going to the ends of the earth? Let me re-introduce you to My Eight Doctors without boarders – affordable, accessible, science-based, and faith inspiring.
Be your own doctor. And while you are at it, be your own nutritionist, minister, teacher, psychologist, lawyer… plumber… thinker.
John Dinsley
*Antigen, first written [1899] as “antigene” as an abbreviation for anti[body] gen [or birth of antibodies]

John Dinsley
Born in British Columbia, Canada, John Dinsley has lived, and worked from South America to the North Pole, from Nova Scotia to Nepal. He is trained as a lifestyle counselor, teaches public health programs, home remedies workshops, and has operated a family care home. He and his wife Kimberly are the owners of Charcoal House LLC. They often travel together across the U.S. and internationally to conduct charcoal workshops. He is a carpenter by trade, has managed an organic market garden business, and volunteered in overseas development work. When he is not building, teaching or gardening, he enjoys writing.
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Great and timely article